Here's a scientific study on the visual limitations of the 'see and avoid' concept. It wraps up with (
my em):
Finally, the see-and-avoid concept misleads pilots and controllers by encouraging overconfidence in visual scanning while neglecting its physical and behavioral limitations and mitigation strategies. While visual scanning is necessary to prevent midair collisions, especially of aircraft flying slowly in close proximity and not yet on collision courses, it is not sufficient. Potential mitigation strategies include: 1) pilot and ATC training on physical and behavioral limitations of the see-and-avoid concept; 2) ATC safety alerts and recommendations in all conflict situations; 3) reliable altitude-encoding transponders activated at all times in all aircraft; 4) standard traffic pattern entry, exit, and circuit procedures at all airports; 5) standard communications, and position announcements in the traffic pattern, at all airports; 6) standard procedures for announcing positions and headings in arrival and departure areas, corridors, scenic areas, and other high-density areas; and 7) affordable and reliable collision avoidance technologies in all general aviation aircraft, as the NTSB recommended in 1987.
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