Other drivers....


Pattern Altitude
Oct 20, 2010
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I do deliveries in a car in City for my job. Other drivers suck! Which brought me to an idea because I know the government reads the internet.

Drivers license at 16 cool.
But after that you need to get endorsements for other things.
* ability to merge into expressway/freeway traffic
* Successfully dealing with roundabouts
* Normal driving on expressway (for the love of God don't stop traffic to let someone merge in. It's the merger job to fit into traffic)
* Turning into side road at a rolling speed. Don't need to stop to make a turn it's ok

So my idea is you get a sticker when you prove you have these skills. Sticker goes near license plate. If someone not qualified for a roundabout gets caught by someone else. Picture gets sent to DMV and the offender gets a ticket for $5. Half goes to DMV and other half to the reporter.

What say y'all? I mean pilots need endorsements why not cars????
In New South Wales, Australia (one of the places I'm from), you get a two year probationary / provisional driver's license, which has a lot of restrictions to it (like lower speed limits, no driving on expressways, etc. (from memory)). You have to have a prominent red "P" plate next to your license plate on any car you're driving.

Does it work? I don't know, but when I was a P-plater, I certainly took a lot of extra care to see there were no cops around :-).
This isn't going away any time soon unfortunately. It's only going to get worse. We need self driving cars now more than ever. Gen Y and Gen Z will never respect driving while not being distracted so we need to take the driving part away since we cant take the phones away.
I get a lot less frustrated driving when i just start with the assumptions that every other driver on the road is a f#@king idiot then it is hard to be disappointed when proven right and pleasantly surprised when proven otherwise!

I am a fan however of an electric shock in the steering wheel every time you turn and your turn signal is not on. Really wish people would fill their blinker fluids more often.
I think recurrent training in general would be good for drivers.

I have seriously wondered why this isn't done. Especially after an at fault accident.

As far as the cell phone use ... I agree that it ain't going away. So why not make this a license endorsement much like pilots earn? If you want to talk/text on your phone while driving then prove to the examiner that you possess the skills to do so.

As pilots we are sometimes very task saturated in the cockpit. But pilots are trained to do this and they learn how to coordinate several ongoing events at the same time. Never understood why is the operator of a heavy vehicle passing me six feet away at a high closing rate of speed is exempted from such training.
I've seen more then one with their foot outside the window. Drivers leg. I can't say I haven't wished an accident upon them. That'd hurt alot for them.
I agree with the dart gun form of enforcement

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Gonna put my a**h*le cap on for this one. I don't think people that make a living doing deliveries in a car have the skills to determine the traffic rules. Of course, neither do the ones that are currently in charge. :D
As far as the cell phone use ... I agree that it ain't going away. So why not make this a license endorsement much like pilots earn? If you want to talk/text on your phone while driving then prove to the examiner that you possess the skills to do so.
Why would anyone do this? They can text and drive now. They dont have permission to do so but they do it anyway. What's the point in giving someone the ability to do something they already do?
I do deliveries in a car in City for my job. Other drivers suck! Which brought me to an idea because I know the government reads the internet.

Drivers license at 16 cool.
But after that you need to get endorsements for other things.
* ability to merge into expressway/freeway traffic
* Successfully dealing with roundabouts
* Normal driving on expressway (for the love of God don't stop traffic to let someone merge in. It's the merger job to fit into traffic)
* Turning into side road at a rolling speed. Don't need to stop to make a turn it's ok

So my idea is you get a sticker when you prove you have these skills. Sticker goes near license plate. If someone not qualified for a roundabout gets caught by someone else. Picture gets sent to DMV and the offender gets a ticket for $5. Half goes to DMV and other half to the reporter.

What say y'all? I mean pilots need endorsements why not cars????

I'll add one to the normal expressway driving for you. Drove me nuts when I lived in the Denver area in the early 1980s. When you get to the end of the on-ramp you better have your foot buried in the gas, NOT THE BRAKE!!! Damned idiots would get to the end of an on-ramp and stop, looking for a hole in traffic to merge into. 0-60 instantaneously? Seriously?
As far as the cell phone use ... I agree that it ain't going away. So why not make this a license endorsement much like pilots earn? If you want to talk/text on your phone while driving then prove to the examiner that you possess the skills to do so.
Nobody has the skills to do so.
Why would anyone do this? They can text and drive now. They dont have permission to do so but they do it anyway. What's the point in giving someone the ability to do something they already do?

You make a very valid point. I think the fine here (if they even bother to stop you for it) is $25.00 for texting and driving. So you are correct, unless there is a serious penalty they will just ignore the law and do it. But if they wanted to make more money on driving test they could make driving distracted a heavier fine and then charge for the add on endorsement.

It's pipe dream of mine to actually have people be responsible for their actions ...
I'll add one to the normal expressway driving for you. Drove me nuts when I lived in the Denver area in the early 1980s. When you get to the end of the on-ramp you better have your foot buried in the gas, NOT THE BRAKE!!! Damned idiots would get to the end of an on-ramp and stop, looking for a hole in traffic to merge into. 0-60 instantaneously? Seriously?

What nobody seems to realize is that this problem is due as much to stupid road design as to driver stupidity (there is plenty of both). What I mean is that having an onramp abruptly crammed into a high speed traffic
lane makes no sense at all. What is needed is an extended merging lane (as in continuing to the next offramp). We have a few of those where I live - and they work wonderfully well. Some other places have plenty
of them (Phoenix AZ, for example).

This isn't going away any time soon unfortunately. It's only going to get worse. We need self driving cars now more than ever. Gen Y and Gen Z will never respect driving while not being distracted so we need to take the driving part away since we cant take the phones away.
Judging from the number of people I see playing with their phones, I think we have self-driving cars now.
Nobody has the skills to do so.

You are most likely correct. Still, I've seen some extremely talented pilots that can multi-task pretty well. But for the most part I think the number of folks that possibly could do it would be quite small.

The environment in a cockpit verses the automobile is quite different. In the automobile taking your eyes off the road for more than a few seconds can quickly lead to disaster.
I don't think people that make a living doing deliveries in a car have the skills to determine the traffic rules.
Wow. Sorry you think my topic suck. Ever hear you have nothing nice to say say nothing???
Wow. Sorry you think my topic suck. Ever hear you have nothing nice to say say nothing???
Actually, I didn't say anything about your topic. But, I apologize for the offense, non-the-less.
Phones have motion sensors in them. Why not make them inoperable when they sense any motion greater than a walking pace speed? For those who absolutely MUST be connected while traveling via mass transit or car pool....use a tethered tablet or laptop. Remember when a landline with a really long cord was extra cool?
Phones have motion sensors in them. Why not make them inoperable when they sense any motion greater than a walking pace speed? For those who absolutely MUST be connected while traveling via mass transit or car pool....use a tethered tablet or laptop. Remember when a landline with a really long cord was extra cool?
Because passengers should be allowed to use their phone. So maybe make 1 phone recognize that theres another phone in proximity then it would disable one and allow the passenger to continue to use it. If there isnt a second (or more) phone, then it disables the sole phone in the vehicle. Or we just hurry up and get those self driving cars in operation.
Gonna put my a**h*le cap on for this one. I

You know the old saying, of the azzhat fits, wear it! (Hey, if you’re going to pitch them low and away, we’re going to swing ;))
The biggest problem is parents teach their kids how to drive. When people who don’t know how to drive teach people how to drive you get people who don’t know how to drive. (Yogi Berra would have liked that sentence)

Drivers need to be trained by CFI like instructors and need check rides by DPE equivalent examiners.
Make everyone's license plate number their cell phone number. That way you could call them and tell them what a terrible driver they are.
yup, make sure to call them as you see it.
That old line about "what you don't know that you don't know" applies.
I don’t see training as a silver bullet here - IMO most drivers are the way they are because they simply don’t give a crap.
Judging from the number of people I see playing with their phones, I think we have self-driving cars now.

I've been hit (in rental cars no less) in the past 2 years, twice, both times it was from phone zombies staring at their phones while driving.
Really wish people would fill their blinker fluids more often.

As pointed out in another post, I do not slow down when making turns. As a result, I have stopped using my right turn signal when oncoming traffic is waiting to turn left. I've had WAY too many close calls with people turning in front of me. Probably thinking I'll slow way down before turning right.