oopsie. I didn't see you there

Isn't this from Airventure a few years ago? If so, it was a fatality.
I got it via email. The story I got was in Albuquerque plane stopped 12 inches from rv pilot head. I have no idea what the truth is behind the pic.
Any chance of changing the title to something more respectful? That accident killed the passenger in the RV. Happened at OSH back in 2006 or 2007.
I got it via email. The story I got was in Albuquerque plane stopped 12 inches from rv pilot head. I have no idea what the truth is behind the pic.

Probably did stop 12 inches from his head....but the passenger was behind him.

Correction, apparently the seating was side by side in the RV. The passenger was seated to the right of the pilot.
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Well the whole thing sucks anyway you break it down. I'm sure all involved would gladly turn back time and redo things if they had the chance.
No, just the pax.

Marshallers on the ground weren't paying attention and there was no real room for him to s-turn on that taxiway.
BULL CRAP. The ground marshallers do not provide clearance on the taxiways. It is 100% incumbent on the aircraft to taxi safely. The fault is 100% with the guy with the restricted visibility aircraft to provide whatever he needs to not run over and dice the people in front of him.
BULL CRAP. The ground marshallers do not provide clearance on the taxiways. It is 100% incumbent on the aircraft to taxi safely. The fault is 100% with the guy with the restricted visibility aircraft to provide whatever he needs to not run over and dice the people in front of him.

Come on man, s**t happens, no point of blaming the guy.
BULL CRAP. The ground marshallers do not provide clearance on the taxiways. It is 100% incumbent on the aircraft to taxi safely. The fault is 100% with the guy with the restricted visibility aircraft to provide whatever he needs to not run over and dice the people in front of him.

Agreed. As a Flight Line Ops guy, marshallers are there to direct aircraft at intersections and other hot zones. They do not line every taxiway.
Ron's point was not about the warbird pilot, but not blaming any marshaller.

I agree the marshaller had nothing to do with it. And I agree it was the pilot's fault. However I do not think that any one of us here is completely immune from that. At some point you may miss an S turn or two and there might be something small in front of you. We all try to minimize that possibility, now that this accident was brought to our everyone's attention (everyone's on POA), it may make things safer, but again, no one is immune.