I had a friend who flew a Stearman, and he said that he always slipped all the way to the touchdown area, to assure that there was no one ahead of him, and he was centered on the runway.
My instructor insisted that in departing a non towered field, stay facing incoming traffic until ready to depart, then depart without any pause.
Your Mark one eyeball is your most valuable asset at a field such as the accident one.
The trees may have played a part in this crash, but if so, the inbound plane was too low, or the departing plane too close to the tree line. I have flown from a paved runway that went nearly to the tall trees, but we held far back from the runway end until there were no planes on cross wind or final, taxied fast to the end, and departed.
It is very unfortunate that one or both of these pilots did not take those precautions.