The current run up in the stock market is whistling past the grave yard...
99% of people who buy and sell stocks will lose money..
Cash is king for the foreseeable future in this country...
But be aware that cash is losing value every day as the Fed continues to print dollars to fund unsustainable entitlement programs...
So do not hold cash...
Hold it as bags of silver coins, or collectible toys, high end guns, antiques, military items, medieval swords, coins, movie posters, postage stamps, vinyl records, figurines, fishing plugs, tube stereo amps, and on, and on...
The key here is not to just buy something to hold, it is to actually understand the market for that item - become a collector...
The time and energy you would put into chasing stocks (based on 'tips' that really are nothing more than bait for the gullible put out by the slick and the quick) should be spent in learning about something you have an interest in - be that Barbie Dolls, ancient coins, or Fender Stratocaster's...
Be aware that if you do make a profit in the stock market (unlikely), they are going to tax the snot out of you...
If you buy something of value from a private party there is no sales commission, and if you sell that item for a profit there is no income tax...
It only takes a small profit percentage on a Movie Poster to exceed a much, much, larger profit percentage on trading short term stocks...
When the stock market corrects from the current absurd high there will be no warning, you will wake up and discover that your stock has dumped 10/15/20 percent in overnight trading...
And the day that China decides to settle their trade disputes with the USA by refusing to buy any government securities at that weekly auction, the stock market will close within 10 minutes of opening and your stock holdings will be frozen... It won't last long, 2 or 3 days, but when the US government eats crow (no choice) and China begins buying our debt again, the market will be down 50%...
The long term trend here is that the chinks and the saudis know that the dollars they currently hold lose value every day they are held... The only way to capture the present value (PV) of their dollars is to trade them for something real - dirt/aspen condos/restaurant chains/collectible cars/etc... They are, and will continue to be, buyers for everything of value in this country, which will continue to drive up the value of those holdings.. Now you and I cannot buy a 50 million dollar building in Manhattan, but we can park our money in smaller things that will appreciate both in value in todays dollars (PV) and will inflate in tomorrows price as the dollar is inflated by the fed...
OK, off my soap box...