Online POH database?

Brennen Sette

Filing Flight Plan
Aug 7, 2023
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Brennen Sette
Hey ya'll, I recently bought a Grumman AA5A Cheetah, and I realized online POHs for my plane are mainly posted by flight schools that operate it. This made me think that having a specific, go-to site to find a reliable POH for aircraft may be beneficial. I was thinking of making a website that does this for aircraft owners.

Is this already a thing? I did some research and I couldn't find it if it is already a thing.

Also, would anyone be interested in this? I do not want to put the time and effort into this if it will not be used.

Your opinions are appreciated!!
Some of them still have valid copyrights. So be careful lest you get a cease and desist order.
Already exists.

Most of them are available in hard copy or download.
Some of them still have valid copyrights. So be careful lest you get a cease and desist order.
Or ChatGPT steals everything and all the work you put into it is for naught. These AI bots are also ignoring the decades-long defacto agreement not to access anything with a robots.txt file.
And from the US Copyright Office:

"Generally, for most works created after 1978, protection lasts for the life of the author plus 70 years" with this interpretation

For works created before January 1, 1978 (protected under the 1909 Copyright Act), the duration rules are quite different (and much more complex). Duration depends on a number of factors, including whether the work was “published” and whether or not the copyright was renewed. In general, under the 1909 Copyright Act, copyright protection begins with first publication of the work and lasts for a period of 28 years, renewable for an additional term of 28 years, for a total term of protection of 56 years. In 1976, Congress extended the renewal term to 47 years, increasing the total possible term of protection to 75 years. In 1998, Congress again extended the renewal term by an additional 20 years, for total possible term of protection of 95 years from publication.


More than you really wanted to know, isn't it?
Within reason, more information is better than less.