One for the guys...

Who would you rather be?

  • Hugh Hefner, with dozens of hot young ladies

    Votes: 15 26.8%
  • Kermit Weeks, with dozens of cool old airplanes.

    Votes: 41 73.2%

  • Total voters


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
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Okay, guys, we've all heard the "Ginger or Mary Ann" question enough times, so I have a new twist on it specific to male pilots:

Who would you rather be, Kermit Weeks (with dozens of cool airplanes he can fly) or Hugh Hefner (with dozens of hot young women he can, uh, you know)?


(This was thought up at the Schaumburg gathering on 12/29 and I forgot about it until now. Oops.)
Does Kermit want to adopt anyone? If so I can be on the road in 10 minutes.
I want both, but at my age, I think the airplanes win. Not that I'm opposed to hot young things, it's just that I no longer can understand most of what they speak of.

A cool airplane though...........yup!

As male pilots are we not supposed to talk about gals when in the airplane, and about flying when with the gals?! :D I predict an even result here.
Kermit Weeks to be sure! His toys are lower maintenance.

I dunno. I don't think anyone has ever successfully disproven the old saying, "If it floats, flies, or f****, it's cheaper to rent."

Trapper John
I dunno. I don't think anyone has ever successfully disproven the old saying, "If it floats, flies, or f****, it's cheaper to rent."

Trapper John

now expanded to include "or has a view"
Since flying various airplanes is one of the options, the ability to "get it up" is a valid consideration that might sway some opinions, based on age group. The undersigned declines to answer further questions based on protection afforded under the fifth amendment to the Constitution.
I Want to be both...............................Lots of Hot chicks and Lots of airplanes.
But till i hit the Lotto ,i guess i'll just be ME
Dave G
For me: a decent airplane and a classy woman. I think we've got plenty of both in this group... :smile:
You know, Kent, don't you have anything better to do???

That said, the answer is obvious if you realize that Mr Weeks is free to pursue whatever he likes in regard to women but that Mr Hefner probably isn't much of a pilot.

In other words which would you rather be? A pilot or an aging playboy.

At least if you know how to fly you can be both.

What do I know, Mr Hefner probably owns an F86 and flies it from one hot chick to another...
I vote for the one that will give more bang for the buck, AIRPLANES!!!!!!:D
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Well which toy is easier and cheaper to update and return to its youthful appearance?

Piece of cake - Hef's women. He doesn't have to update and return them to their youthful appearance, he just picks up a brand new one every month. :rofl:
This is a no-brainer: Kermit has all the toys a pilot could want, and I'm sure he's never lacked for female companionship. Hef's world falls short (although it's not bad).

I do admire both of them for the same reason, though: they each chose a career and lifestyle based on a vision that brought them joy, and refused to compromise.
I'd still rather have the airplanes. I can only put upwith one woman at a time, but I'd be more than happy to see a room full of big round jugs...radial engines that is. :D
I vote for the one that will give more bang for the buck, AIRPLANES!!!!!!:D
That seems like a reasonable, well-thought out, well-balanced argument of a professional economist.

I just can't picture a babe like those of Hef's on the arms of an economist. Economist are very boring people, after all! :)
Piece of cake - Hef's women. He doesn't have to update and return them to their youthful appearance, he just picks up a brand new one every month. :rofl:
You think those are 'natural women'?? A lot of work goes into them before you get them off of the lot. Think OCC and what they do for the custom bikes. That is pretty much what Hef is doing for his toys.
If any of you would get to know the loving, warmhearted, intelligent, high-income woman who is about to buy me an airplane who is also my wife, you would tell all Hefner's chippies to go away....

I can't remember where I heard/read it, but here goes...

"No matter how good she looks, someone is tired of putting up with her sh**."
I don't even have to think twice about this one.

I have a great wife.

A great airplane collection would be the icing on the cake.
Airplanes...cause after a week or two the hot chicks are gonna want to talk to you...
Well which toy is easier and cheaper to update and return to its youthful appearance?

You really have to ask? :D


I am coveting your Sadowsky, even though my Hamer USA Frankenbass would kick it's butt in a shootout! :D

Trapper John
I am coveting your Sadowsky, even though my Hamer USA Frankenbass would kick it's butt in a shootout! :D

I am loving that Sadowsky!! Such a sweet neck and the tone. MAN THE TONE KILLS!

I sold my frankenbass this past weekend after I de-Frankenstein it. I took off the BA2 bridge and hipshot tuners, put the old Fender MIM stock stuff on it and it sold in about 3 hours. I can't belive that they preffered the MIM tinfoil parts. But oh well. Sold all the parts too! But seperately. I got about $100 more than what I was asking for it all together. Lucky me.

Here is a snap of the Sadowsky and my amp set up. The pedel on the floor is a Korg DT10BL tuner. I am not a big effects guy but up on the top I have a Sansamp DI and a Digtitech compressor. I hardly ever even have them on. I mostly bought them to see what they did.

I picked up a book yesterday with a whole bunch of Beatles tunes in it for playing along on bass. I was fooling around with St. Pepper and Hey Jude earlier. That was fun!!


  • sadowskyandamp.jpg
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now expanded to include "or has a view"

How true!

You're an old-timer (and I mean that in the most complementary way possible), maybe you can help ID an older helicopter. I was watching "East My Dust" last night, which is really a stupid movie, unless you're a Ron Howard fan. Anyway, the copter was a piston engine, 2-seater, with a spherical bubble and a truss-type structure from the bubble back to the tail rotor. It had 2 saddle type fuel tanks above and to the rear of the bubble, under the rotor. Could it have been some Bell 47 variant?

Trapper John
Well, I lean toward taking the planes. If I want to get out of the plane business, I could sell them and put it behind me!

Don't know what I'd do if I chose door two and decided to get out of that business! Tried that once on a smaller scale and got in a lot of trouble that lasted a long time <g>


I am loving that Sadowsky!! Such a sweet neck and the tone. MAN THE TONE KILLS!

I sold my frankenbass this past weekend after I de-Frankenstein it. I took off the BA2 bridge and hipshot tuners, put the old Fender MIM stock stuff on it and it sold in about 3 hours. I can't belive that they preffered the MIM tinfoil parts. But oh well. Sold all the parts too! But seperately. I got about $100 more than what I was asking for it all together. Lucky me.

Here is a snap of the Sadowsky and my amp set up. The pedel on the floor is a Korg DT10BL tuner. I am not a big effects guy but up on the top I have a Sansamp DI and a Digtitech compressor. I hardly ever even have them on. I mostly bought them to see what they did.

I picked up a book yesterday with a whole bunch of Beatles tunes in it for playing along on bass. I was fooling around with St. Pepper and Hey Jude earlier. That was fun!!

That is one nice bass! I've had my eyes on a Sadowsky 5 string PJ with a P-body and a J-neck, 3-tone burst with a rosewood board, like this...


but I had to pay for a tubal for my stepdaughter...probably has a good IRR even though I have to wait...

Trapper John
That is one nice bass! I've had my eyes on a Sadowsky 5 string PJ with a P-body and a J-neck, 3-tone burst with a rosewood board, like this...


but I had to pay for a tubal for my stepdaughter...probably has a good IRR even though I have to wait...

Trapper John

Sweet. The guy I bought my Sadowsky from had just gotten the PJ and loved it more than any of his other 4 Sadowsky basses (2 of which were NYC's).

I was in Orlando last spring and went to Bass Central. I looked at the Lakland Skylines and Lakland US model. There was a little bit of a difference between them. I have not seen a Sadowsky NYC to compare the Metros that are MIJ, but I can tell you that my Metro feels way better than the $4500 Lakland US model I played. The Sadowsky Metro shop in Toktyo is like 8 guys all hand making the basses. Same attention to detail as the NYC shop, same electronics and other parts too.
Dunno. Always thought one of the requisites for becoming an old-timer was to stay away from them dern dust storms looking for an opportunity. Sounds like a 47 but I'm not the best source for that info.

How true!

You're an old-timer (and I mean that in the most complementary way possible), maybe you can help ID an older helicopter. I was watching "East My Dust" last night, which is really a stupid movie, unless you're a Ron Howard fan. Anyway, the copter was a piston engine, 2-seater, with a spherical bubble and a truss-type structure from the bubble back to the tail rotor. It had 2 saddle type fuel tanks above and to the rear of the bubble, under the rotor. Could it have been some Bell 47 variant?

Trapper John
Either is fine, really. Hugh Hefner is rich enough to get the airplanes, and therefore can get the girls.

Kermit Weeks can use the airplanes to get the women.

I'm fine with being either. Sigh.
Hugh, he's got enough money to have all of both he wants, plus he has a business that screens the girls for him.
Kermit Weeks - I've already got the best woman out there, I don't need dozens of the fake hussies that Hugh's got running around.