OMG! Look what landed at KDTO today!

We can fix that, I mean its only money:yesnod:

CJ610s for the 310! 140 gallons usable should last for 1 lap around the pattern. And the wings will fall off.
CJ610s for the 310! 140 gallons usable should last for 1 lap around the pattern. And the wings will fall off.

Drop tanks and titanium spars.

I was thinking about fitting a beefed up dutchess tail and installing the turbines on the tail, then shifting the wing aft to correct CG, then fit a bladder tank into the fuselage aft of the cabin, then, then, then:rofl:
Here ya go:

They also offer upset recovery/unusual attitude training in it.

Pretty cheap. ....compared to what they charge for the TA-4J and F-4 flight experiences.

I thought they were getting an F-105 ready as well. Did that end up falling through? I remember hearing that there were some State Dept qualms over it, but the last I heard, it seemed as if it were happening.