Old Guy, New Pilot, New Member

Took a trip for seafood yesterday. Flew to Gulfshores Al. Left at 7:00 am. Rented a car at was eating seafood for lunch. Afterwards stuck our toes in the sand at FloraBama bar and grill. I got to watch my wife drink. Headed back to the airport for the return flight. They had our plane fueled up and ready to go. She handed me the receipt. I handed her my credit card, but she informed me she had already charged my card. What card? I never gave it to you. The one on file. Seems one of the previous owners had flown there before. Oops. Small world
Kenny congrats on getting your PPL. You give me hope that I may achieve that someday, as I'm 50+ now and never been able to start. My father and brother both had their ppl, so it's always been a dream of mine to get it. Also, you have a great looking plane. I hope you and your wife have many other wonderful adventures in it.
Thank you Sir. Flew to Ocala Fl to visit friends this weekend. Still feels surreal
Thank you Sir. Flew to Ocala Fl to visit friends this weekend. Still feels surreal
Congrats Kenny. I flew over Ocala twice this weekend, maybe we crossed paths.
Where are you in Fl Salty? I am still learning. When I landed at Ocala the switched me over to ground for taxi instructions. I kept talking to ground and they kept talking to me but I could tell we weren’t exactly communicating. I then realized I was pushing the red button for the AP disconnect. Oops
Where are you in Fl Salty? I am still learning. When I landed at Ocala the switched me over to ground for taxi instructions. I kept talking to ground and they kept talking to me but I could tell we weren’t exactly communicating. I then realized I was pushing the red button for the AP disconnect. Oops
Tampa area
Hey guys. 61 y/o old guy from West Tn/West Ky.

I'm about 7 -8 hours into getting my PPL. I may or may not be able to get my FAA medical. I'm Type 2 diabetic. What I've read says as long as my A1C is under 8.9 they should pass me. One can only hope. I also had a Melanoma removed last year. My doctor claims I'm cancer free, and I'm doing everything they recommend to keep a check on things. My AME sent everything off last week. They say with the holidays and their current back log I probably won't hear anything till after the first of the year. I've done all I can for now.

My mission is to be able to tour/fly cross country. I have family in Texas, and Florida. Yes, I could enjoy a Sunday afternoon flight going nowhere in particular, that's not why I'm learning to fly.

I intend to buy a plane to finish my training, but, I'm going to wait till I get my Medical card. I'm not sure what plan I'll buy, but, I'm 100% sure whatever I buy, I'll eventually upgrade to something faster . As I continue training reality seems to change my thoughts on which would be my first plane, and how soon to upgrade. It seems insurance companies don't like new pilots having fast complex planes.

Like most new pilots I still need to work on landings. Last lesson, 2 of 4 landings were good. I think I could land w/o killing myself today if I were alone. I'd prefer to live through it though. I'm in no major hurry to solo or get my PPL. It'll happen when it happens.

I'm using King's Online Pilot course for my studies. I've learned a lot. But, there is a lot more to learn than I realized. I could probably pass the written today, but, I'll keep studying. I see no reason to take the written if my medical gets turned down.

I will write on here occasionally as my training moves forward.
New Old guy here as well. I've got my student requirements all in except for X Country solo, and then it's off to prep for check ride. They won't schedule check ride until X Country Solo done, so hope to get it accomplished next week with the help of a few vacation days. Need to finish up before weather and short daylight throws a wrench into things. And of course before the CFI heads off to his new airline job.
Maybe we need a new "Old guy student" thread. BTW - 58 last may, last kid in college.
I'm 63 myself. I'm on a medication for Afib that is on the "No No List" from the FAA. (Call AOPA and talk to their medical guy. He's a wealth of information) So I decided to go for the Sport License. I will hopefully be off this med in a few months and will then qualify for a full FAA Medical. It's an extra step but if I had tried for a FAA Medical and was turned down, I would have been turned down for the Sport License as well. This way I get to fly, get hours and experience, and when I get off the meds I'm on (soon) I'll take the Med Check, the Check ride and the written and have my PPL. After that, it's Basic Med.
Flew to Spring Texas (suburb of Houston) Friday. Flying back home this morning. Took my eldest son for a pony ride to Fredericksburg yesterday. Remember I fly out of and train in Podunk USA. We flew into Hooks (KDWH) which is class D. I have flown into several class D airports and have been pretty comfortable but I had concerns with KDWH as it is busier than any other airports I have piloted into. Several first for me on this trip.

Radar. Class D with radar? Not actually my first time, but not the norm from my experience. I got to hone my squawking skills a bit. Really was a non issue but why do some Class Ds have radar and some don’t? Money? How busy they are?

Runup area. I have seen airport diagrams with designated run up areas. Hooks diagram doesn’t show it. Was a bit confusing for me.

Parallel runways. Hooks actually has three. Two black topped and one for seaplanes. Not a big issue but does add to the confusion to an old new pilot.

KDWH is under the shelve of Class B in Houston airspace. Again, wasn’t an issue for me, but it was a first to fly under the shelve by 200-300’. I think one better have the altimeter set correctly.

Traffic. Good Lord. I expected it though. One trip on I-45 with the service roads on both sides in a 4 wheel vehicle....There sure is a lot of people down here. I expected Hooks to be busy. It is. I was told I was #3 to land and was cleared to land. At the time I couldn’t see the other 2. But I did find them.

Two Towers East and West.
Not really an issue but a bit more confusion. One time I guessed which tower correctly. One time I guessed wrong.

I did manage to frustrate the fast talking ATC with theNorthern accent at least once. He told me I was holding up the show with my taxi skills. That’s ok. He was frustrating me too. I am Southern I talk slow and I listen even slower.

All in all it was a good experience I learned from. My son lives about 5 miles from KDWH so it is the most convenient airport. I will continue to fly into here when I visit him. I did consider Conroe as it looks easier to get in and out of.
Hey guys. 61 y/o old guy from West Tn/West Ky.

I'm about 7 -8 hours into getting my PPL. I may or may not be able to get my FAA medical. I'm Type 2 diabetic. What I've read says as long as my A1C is under 8.9 they should pass me. One can only hope. I also had a Melanoma removed last year. My doctor claims I'm cancer free, and I'm doing everything they recommend to keep a check on things. My AME sent everything off last week. They say with the holidays and their current back log I probably won't hear anything till after the first of the year. I've done all I can for now.

My mission is to be able to tour/fly cross country. I have family in Texas, and Florida. Yes, I could enjoy a Sunday afternoon flight going nowhere in particular, that's not why I'm learning to fly.

I intend to buy a plane to finish my training, but, I'm going to wait till I get my Medical card. I'm not sure what plan I'll buy, but, I'm 100% sure whatever I buy, I'll eventually upgrade to something faster . As I continue training reality seems to change my thoughts on which would be my first plane, and how soon to upgrade. It seems insurance companies don't like new pilots having fast complex planes.

Like most new pilots I still need to work on landings. Last lesson, 2 of 4 landings were good. I think I could land w/o killing myself today if I were alone. I'd prefer to live through it though. I'm in no major hurry to solo or get my PPL. It'll happen when it happens.

I'm using King's Online Pilot course for my studies. I've learned a lot. But, there is a lot more to learn than I realized. I could probably pass the written today, but, I'll keep studying. I see no reason to take the written if my medical gets turned down.

I will write on here occasionally as my training moves forward.

hey there! Good luck! I’m a few hours behind you, looking at school options in ATL or merely hiring a good private instructor that can clear up what i cannot grasp on my own. (I had lessons at 17 and know enough to stall, roll, land, takeff, and no damn instrument other than an analog ? Aspect? Meter, alt, etc. i’m also 57, a physician, and likely ought to put down this danish before they pull my A1c. I’m already considering buying a ‘ to-be-built”
Took a trip for seafood yesterday. Flew to Gulfshores Al. Left at 7:00 am. Rented a car at was eating seafood for lunch. Afterwards stuck our toes in the sand at FloraBama bar and grill. I got to watch my wife drink. Headed back to the airport for the return flight. They had our plane fueled up and ready to go. She handed me the receipt. I handed her my credit card, but she informed me she had already charged my card. What card? I never gave it to you. The one on file. Seems one of the previous owners had flown there before. Oops. Small world
.continued......but uncertain about all of it thus far. Good luck
Greg H
hey there! Good luck! I’m a few hours behind you, looking at school options in ATL or merely hiring a good private instructor that can clear up what i cannot grasp on my own. (I had lessons at 17 and know enough to stall, roll, land, takeff, and no damn instrument other than an analog ? Aspect? Meter, alt, etc. i’m also 57, a physician, and likely ought to put down this danish before they pull my A1c. I’m already considering buying a ‘ to-be-built”

Where in ATL are you ?
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reviewing this thread. I started my journey at the age of 48 earlier this year in March but I waited too long to start the medical process. I too take oral diabetes medication and some other medical history so I have been in the FAA medical process since June when I was close to solo-ready. I was ill-informed and my AME did not handle my initial application as well as he claimed he could.
I’m hoping to get my med certificate before the end of the year, but have been resigned to the fact that you can’t know when the FAA will complete anything.
In the meantime, I continue to train 1 or 2 times per month as I’m currently approaching 30 hours of dual training waiting to solo. I’m ready to kick it into high gear when I get my med cert.
I’m looking forward to the XC trips and plane ownership in the future.
Happy and Safe Flying!
Hang in there Texan pilot. Don’t give up. I just went back and reviewed my dates. I started the medical process in NOVEMBER 2018. Got my medical in June 2018. We are in a bigger hurry than FAA.

Flew back from Spring Texas to UCY yesterday in a little over 3 hours. I thought I had Hooks airport all figured out. I was parked in front of the FBO which the signs say is a non movement area. I googled it, and read not controlled by ATC. So when I was ready for the run up, I taxied over w\o contacting ground. When run up was complete I contacted ATC letting them know I was ready to taxi. His response was...how did you get there? My heart skipped a beat, wondering what I did wrong. After responding I asked if I should have contacted him first. He said no, but, if I had come from anywhere else he would gave wrote me up. I think next time I will contact ground anyway.

Flight home was beautiful and non eventful. Had a good tail wind. The whole experience is still surreal.

Step kiddos are flying into Memphis Int this Friday. I plan to pick them up and bring them back to UCY. Still debating on whether to fly into the Class B or into Dewitt Spain. Dewitt is non towered under the Class B shelve. They can Uber over. I have studied Memphis taxi ways..good Lord. Don’t think I am ready for that. My CFI may find time this week to make a trial run with me.
I’m ready to kick my flight training into high gear! My 3rd class medical is "in the mail"!! Woohoo!!!
I flew into Ocala (KOCF) yesterday. It is a class D. About 15 miles out I saw a small Cessna ahead of me at the same altitude, so I did a 360 to give us some separation. Two other foreign speaking tents called in 10 miles North West wanting to do T&Gs. I then radioed my position and intentions with Ocala tower. I was told to report a 2 mile and plan a left downwind for 36. About that time the two foreigners report 2 miles South West of the field. ATC was not happy with them at all. He again asked their position, and could not get a straight answer. Tower radioed me back and told me to NOT enter HIS airspace. I tended to agree with him as I had no idea what the foreigners were doing. I circled back out just before entering the airspace and listened to the fiasco going on. He eventually told me to enter and DO NOT miss my call at 2 miles out. Yes sir. Lol. I made my call, he calmed down and eventually became more pleasant at least to me. He had one of the other pilots park the plane and contact him by phone.

so, what would happen to the foreigner? Written up? Warning?
What's the minimum requirement age to join this club? Over 40? 50? 60?
I'm closer to 60 than 50, but I'll say make "old guy" min 50. Which isn't old, but maybe it is for learning to fly. Whatever
Since FAA requires over-40 to have medicals every 24months; shouldn't over-40 consider "old"? :D
Since FAA requires over-40 to have medicals every 24months; shouldn't over-40 consider "old"? :D

Makes sense. But that makes me cringe to think of 40 as "old" LOL.
Old pilots are discriminated against. We need a lawyer. My insurance requires an annual medical even if I wanted only a 3rd class. Also an annual flight review.
If you can double your age and have a reasonable chance of living to that age, you’re not old.
Old pilots are discriminated against. We need a lawyer. My insurance requires an annual medical even if I wanted only a 3rd class. Also an annual flight review.
Yikes - I've never heard anyone running into that before. Does it at least give you a good discount?
Yikes - I've never heard anyone running into that before. Does it at least give you a good discount?

Old guy trying to get his lower time son on big twin Cessna policy doesn’t have a lot of insurance choices. These guys were by far the most “reasonable”. Actually for me this amounts to nothing. I have to have a 2nd class medical anyway and a flight review is no big deal (previously mentioned son is a CFI ).

OTOH there is plenty of age discrimination in aviation that doesn’t and legally can’t exist in other endeavors. I don’t like it.
I took my first lesson 10-13-18. Got my PPL 9-11-19. So I’ve Been at this almost 2 years. I just traded my 1999 Bo for a 2010 G36. I love the G1000. I am justa few weeks out from obtaining my IFR rating. I lack ground school test and 14 hours simulated. I will say I think the IFR rating is harder than the PPL.

i will say that with 350 hours flying is more comfortable now. It has taken a lot of effort, and I will be learning the rest of my flying career. Whoever first said a PPL is a license to learn nailed it.
Read back from the original post. Congrats on the G36! The IFR rating is work but worth it once you break out and see the airport where it's supposed to be. ;)

I'm just about to turn 63 here and it's just a number. We still think with the mind of a twenty something but then when I pass the mirror this old man shows up. o_O
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I took my first lesson 10-13-18. Got my PPL 9-11-19. So I’ve Been at this almost 2 years. I just traded my 1999 Bo for a 2010 G36. I love the G1000. I am justa few weeks out from obtaining my IFR rating. I lack ground school test and 14 hours simulated. I will say I think the IFR rating is harder than the PPL.

i will say that with 350 hours flying is more comfortable now. It has taken a lot of effort, and I will be learning the rest of my flying career. Whoever first said a PPL is a license to learn nailed it.
Hey Kenny! Thanks for the story! did you find the bonanza hard to fly initially? that's what I'm looking at to pick up from my pilots license out at first.