So for those of you on the edge of your seats wondering...tied the tail down to the tub o concrete, jacked the wings up enough to raise the nose off the ground and did my thang. I had to change the bearings on the nose but repacked the mains as they were good. I think the guy before me tried to pull a fast one as the FAA-PMA parts were laser etched with, well....FAA-PMA and some additional numbers after that. It looked like the guy before me took an engraver and engraved FAA-PMA on the bearings. What a crafty guy. I took the wheels apart and bead blasted them and re-painted them with automotive wheel paint...side note..."can be handled within 1 hour but allow 7 days to fully cure" was a little interesting.
Thanks for all the advice and snarky comments, I can give as well as I take.