In my plane it’s a sensor. I know this because I did my own overhaul and replaced my old gauge with a sensor. So I do know a little bit about the subject.You are displaying your lack of knowledge. There is no oil pressure sensor. It is a mechanical gauge.
And sensor or gauge is irrelevant to knowing it should have been recommended for replacement. In my case I recommended it to myself and I did it. I also spun my motor up with the starter and no plugs to verify I had oil pressure before I started it the first time. So I knew I had a good sensor and oil pressure before subjecting my brand new engine to its first start.
I also put my cowl completely on before running the engine for the first time. I had to take it back off to make some adjustments and put it back on again, but I had the best possible cooling for my engine AND definite oil pressure with a working gauge/sensor for its first run.
But, I’m not an A&P, So I guess all my precautions were stupid.
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