I guess I should qualify that, it has been the case with any car I've owned. I started going 10,000 miles on the Concours and the Explorer, using synthetic oil. Both were perfectly happy with that arrangement and the Explorer went over 200K without using oil or blowing smoke. I would not, however, go more than 5,000 miles on conventional oil. Many older vehicles specified ranges from 3,000 miles to 7,500 miles depending on operating conditions. My dad used to use 7,500 mile intervals using crappy oil. His engines seldom went beyond 60K before blowing smoke.
My new Sentra specifies 5,000 mile intervals, and SN grade 0W-20, which by the way generally can't be found as a conventional oil, if that even exists. As it's my car, but I get to expense the maintenance, it's getting changed every 5,000 miles.