That’s the equivalent of one person making about 18 calls every day of the year.
I love what numbers sometimes reveal.
6500/yr = almost 18 calls per day.
If averaged over every day of the year.
That is Monday to Friday plus Sat and Sunday, 18 calls each of the 7 days in every week for the full year.
If the person ever sleeps (I know it is probably difficult) but that leaves about 16 hours per day to make those 18 calls. So, close to once per hour...but a little more. Every day of the year (More, if they skip days).
If the person actually works, then we only have maybe 6 hours of free time per day (8hr workday plus 1 hr lunch, 1 hr commute). So if the person works and sleeps like the average person, they made those calls in their 6 hours of free time every day or one call every 20 minutes during
all of their non-sleeping, non-working hours in that year. (I have omitted holidays and weekends, I know. But other activities like showering, going out with friends, talking with real people on the phone would probably cut into available free time to that extent so I'd consider that a wash).
When I was 11, (before callerID) and despite my best efforts, I did not even come close to calling (and hanging up on) 'that girl' in my town nearly that much.
I mean. That is a dang lot of calls!