Touchdown! Greaser!
What app is used to open the .jnlp file offered when clicking their link "Launch Flight Path Tool"?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- A JNLP File for the Flight Path Tool Application.
@version 1.0
@date 2004/9/30
@author Arnaud Dumont
<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="https://bcaws.aviationweather.gov/java/fpt" href="fpt.jnlp">
<title>ADDS Flight Path Tool</title>
<vendor>Aviation Weather Center</vendor>
<homepage href="https://bcaws.aviationweather.gov/adds"/>
<description kind="tooltip">Flight Path Tool</description>
<description kind="one-line">Flight Path Tool</description>
<description kind="short">The new ADDS Flight Path Tool, provided as a Java Webstart application</description>
<icon href="ops_adds_button_icon.gif"/>
<icon kind="splash" href="ops_adds_splash.gif"/>
<j2se version="1.5+" initial-heap-size="50331648" max-heap-size="204800000"/>
<jar href="flightpath.jar" download="eager"/>
<jar href="mapdata.jar" download="eager"/>
<jar href="jai_codec.jar" download="eager"/>
<jar href="jdom.jar" download="eager"/>
<jar href="JTS-1.3.jar" download="eager"/>
<jar href="resources-2.0-B1.jar" download="eager"/>
<jar href="shapefile-2.0-B1.jar" download="eager"/>
<application-desc main-class="edu.ucar.rap.adds.apps.flightpath.FlightPathTool"/>
java -cp flightpath.jar;mapdata.jar;jai_codec.jar;jdom.jar;JTS-1.3.jar;resources-2.0-B1.jar;shapefile-2.0-B1.jar edu.ucar.rap.adds.apps.flightpath.FlightPathTool
Note the date and security permissions:
Hope that works for you, too.
Thanks for the info and assistance.
Based on the suggestion that this is a security issue, I might pass however.
Well I thought I remembered starting this thread...but its over a year now so - nope!
And the link is still not functional for the average pilot.