I saw that on Facebook, and threw up a little in my mouth.
Meh. If someone goes to the extreme of going under the knife, especially someone who is mature in years as Jenner is, then what right do I have to question their decision or the validity of their condition?
I hope she is happy with her new life.
Just natural for them, and natural for everyone else to be repulsed by them. The learned denial of natural repulsion is what you need to watch out for.
Don't worry. The progressive police will be along shortly to command acceptance and enthusiastic endorsement, under penalty of being sued out of your last cent.
There was an old Clairol ad that went something like, "If I have but one life, let me live it as a blonde".
Jenner has one life. Let him live it in any way that pleases him.
Too many judgmental jerks for my taste.
I can't imagine living more than 60 years of my life as someone else. It takes courage and resources to live your truth and our 1976 Decathlon hero has both.
It's odd to me that so many people find it hard to believe that a person can be born with "wires crossed". The problem is, the LGBT community takes issue with being defined as a birth defect.
LGBT people are just that...people. There's nothing wrong with them and contrary to popular culture trends, there's nothing special about them either.
There is definitely something wrong with trans people. It is a defect. That's not to say that I think that they don't deserve compassion and respect.
If you're getting barraged by the news of this and are growing weary of it then maybe you need to "up the class" of the media outlets that you listen to and watch. Sounds like they cater to the least common denominator.
I've heard nary a peep from mine.
And I appreciate it.
Just sayin...
Haha guess I have optimal sources poa is the only place I've seen this story. Online or otherwise. All trash is news, clear your minds people.
If you didn't know otherwise, most would say that's a beautiful woman!
Yeah, then someone will come along and make the point that there used to be "something wrong" with left handed people...
That's a sinister thing to say!
I can't imagine living more than 60 years of my life as someone else. It takes courage and resources to live your truth and our 1976 Decathlon hero has both.
It's odd to me that so many people find it hard to believe that a person can be born with "wires crossed". The problem is, the LGBT community takes issue with being defined as a birth defect.
LGBT people are just that...people. There's nothing wrong with them and contrary to popular culture trends, there's nothing special about them either.