My checkride was brutal. I had the oral on one day, the flying on another. He read from five pages of questions he had and wanted a complete answer to every question.
He didn't want to give the cross country assignment until the night before because he said 'I dont want you to get help from your CFI'. I had to do calcs in front of him for the whole cross country despite having it in a navlog generated from iFlightPlanner online.
He wanted a complete description of all the weather products, and a read-off of untranslated METARS, TAFS, FDs and Prog Charts. And he expected every NOTAM for the route and airports to be processed.
Then the sectional grilling. Complete airspace knowledge, even ADIZ, environmental areas, MOAs, Restricted and TFRs.
Oh yea, I had to give him every V speed and stall speeds at ever flap setting.
The flying was even worse. Though I have an all glass cockpit and Garmin GPS, I was not allowed to use them. He wanted dead reckoning and pilotage. We did a tour in a Class C, then flew half a cross country, then a diversion with foggles and unusual attitudes.
Then every PTS maneuver in the book, including steeps both directions, slow flight and stalls. Every turn, point, ess, rectangle. I even had to do stalls in slow flight turns (not even trained for that one). He stared at the altitude and speed like a hawk waiting for an exceeding.
On the emergency engine out i even had to do a mock emergency call and fly to withing 500 feet of the ground. I actually thought I was gonna have to land on the spot I chose for a second.
Then landings on short, narrow, unfamiliar. Then back home for the rest of the landings while he was chatting away in the pattern trying to distract me. Short field, Soft field, go around not announced till crossing the numbers, fast touch and goes, slip to landing on short final with a touch and go....
Shirt soaking wet, two and half hours, fuel nearly gone, finally got to taxi back...once back, silence. Scribbling on a comments, no smile, all business. Finally after what seemed like hours, he turned and said, lets go up to the office and I'll print off your temp license...
Waited for that, took it, shook his hand without a smile, and went home...