No Lead Aviation Fuel

>> I have a IO360 Lycoming with the Surefly variable timing. 8.7 compression ratio. I am guessing that I could run on the 94UL, without a problem.

[First, note that your Surefly is only advancing the timing from stock, not retarding it. There's no detonation detection. The certification standards require you demonstrate 10% fuel flow detonation margin at red line CHT and oil temperature. Flying behind an angle valve IO360 myself, I'd be very surprised if you could make that work. So, you'll need to lower the CHT and oil red line tempeatures, then do climb cooling tests to prove to the FAA that you still have adequate margin for the 100 F day... none of that is cheap, even if it *might* work. Paul]

>> All they know is 'lead bad, must get rid of'. The unintended consequences are rarely a thought.

[I guess IQ impaired children are a consequence that is being considered, and given that, the forbearance for us to get our act together is astonishing. Paul]

>> Their ignorance is matched only by their zeal for quick solutions.

[This is a quick solution? Lead was regulated out of mogas in the early '90's, the industry unleaded avgas task force began work in 1991, and declared failure in 2011... this has been anything but a quick solution. Fortunately, it turns out the task force was trying to solve the wrong problem; the real problem was much more amenable to solution. Paul]

>> It's been decades since I first heard the trope that 20% of the sales base burn 80% of the 100LL. I just wonder if there's been a more recent snapshot. That study is 20-30 years old.

[As you know the FAA does a every-three-year survey of aircraft utilization. My recollection is that their more recent analysis is that 30% of the aircraft are burning 70% of the fuel... that's a distinction that doesn't make much of a difference. See the PAFI papers on their website. Paul]

>> seems like competent FADEC could take care of the knock issue

[It could, but not without reducing performance, which introduces the large cost certification issue, and the very large cost engine modification issue... plus time to comply. Paul]

>> having computer control over our ignition and fuel would let us run a lower octane fuel without losing horsepower. Shouldn’t be hard to develop a system for our engines

[Yikes, I don't think the science supports your assertion, it's been attempted in the engine test cell. Depends on your definition of hard... time, cost, installation details, recertification... Paul]

>> I could understand the lack of an STC for older planes. But the new stuff coming out has done nothing.

[Cessna attempted with the IO580 in the 206, and the IO360 in the 172. But the IO580 blew the heads on the cylinders, and the marketplace didn't want the lower compression 172, folks converted them to higher compression to improve power and fuel efficiency. Cessna responded to the marketplace. Paul]

>> The Diesels do have slightly less horsepower, however all of the ones I know of are turbo, at cruise altitude the diesels end up being far more efficient. The Diamond 62 will carry 7 adults on 12-14 gallons per hour.

[Careful how you measure efficiency. From an engineering and aircraft performance perspective, it's horsepower per pound of fuel. Diesels *appear* to be more efficient because the fuel is heavier, so in HP/gallon it looks better. But, airplanes aren't inherently limited by volume, but by weight... and in horsepower per pound, diesels don't have much or any of an advantage. Paul]

>> My understanding is that that 7:1 is what you have when the turbo isn't ... turboing. The whole point of turbo is to boost more air and fuel into the cylinders - so you have actually higher compression when the turbo is working.

[Not accurate. You might have greater fuel energy packed into the cylinder, but you recover less of it... the thermodynamic power output is definitely dependent on compression ratio, and turbo boost can't compensate for that. Paul]

>> The latest FAA update (8/20/2020) just says, "The FAA, fuel suppliers, and aerospace manufacturers continue to develop high octane, unleaded fuel formulations. The goal of these efforts is to identify fuel formulations that provide operationally safe alternatives to 100LL. The PAFI program continues to support the efforts of fuel producers as they bring forth alternative, unleaded fuels for testing and evaluation." Kind of a kick-the-can-down-the-road update from the FAA:

[Yeah, the FAA isn't leading any longer, which might be a good thing.]

>> Kyle B writes: Infiniti has a variable compression turbo engine that can get up to 14:1 on 91 octane. However, there is quite a bit of tech/complexity involved in achieving that. Direct injection being a big part of that, as well as some very efficient combustion chamber mechanisms. Most of that isn't too useful for marine or aviation applications, since wide power adjustments aren't really common for most aircraft.

>> Notice the cylinder volume and RPM generated by those high compression engines (often motorcycle engines). The cylinder volumes are small, and when the engine is making "real" power, the RPM are way up there. In comparison, our engines make full power at relatively low RPM and have huge cylinder volumes.

>> Why does this matter? Detonation. Cylinders with large volumes are far more prone to detonation than engines at the other end of the spectrum.

>> In small cylinders, the flame front burns through the small cylinder volume fast enough that the fuel burns before the pressure and temperature at the "corners" of the combustion chamber self-ignite the unburnt mixture. In larger cylinder volumes (where the flame front has to travel several times as far), the fuel in the corners (the farthest points from the spark plugs) gets heated and compressed a lot (that's a technical term) before the flame front arrives and you need high octane to make sure the fuel in the corners burns before it detonates.

>> Here's a 1962 paper on the effects of cylinder size on detonation and octane requirements if you don't mind registering:

[Thanks Kyle!]
>> The thermal efficiency of the engine is directly related to its compression ratio. The higher the compression ratio, the higher conversion of heat to mechanical energy. That means a lower mass flow of fuel/air for a given output compared to a lower compression ratio Otto cycle engine. Lowering the compression ratio is "going the wrong way" for aircraft applications.

>> instead of a 2-decade sunset period that the EAA was prepping us for, it will be a 2-5 year sunset period.

[I see no evidence that the EPA had any sunset time period in mind; in any case, the Supreme Court handed this responsibility to the FAA. That said, once a viable unleaded fuel is identified, the FAA will move quickly to require its use; but perhaps not as quickly as local jurisdictions may. Paul]

>> offer two grades of fuel at airports.

[As avgas demand continues to decline, no one has an appetite to invest in a second set of facilities; the diminished demand for both types of avgas would doom them to early extinction. The industry considered this in the 90's and moved on... factors today even more strongly support that decision. Paul]

>> ship one grade of unleaded fuel, and very small amounts of octane booster (lead or other) and mix it at the pump

[Lead is too toxic to be distributed that way, and no one wants to spend money on lead containing "solutions" to the no-lead problem.]

>> you could buy real lead additive at auto parts stores

[That was never available. People marketed lead substitutes, but they really weren't from an octane perspective. Paul]

>> The EPA requires mogas to be oxygenated

[No, Congress required that to appease corn farmers. There's no technical justification for oxygenates for pollution control any longer; in fact, some studies show that pollution is greater with the ethanol mandate. Paul]

>> you still need lead for valve lubrication

[Lead erodes valves, it doesn't lubricate them.]

>> if the valve's guides and seats were constructed in accordance with the latest specifications

[The last change in Lycoming valve specs was 1974, so there aren't many engines running valve seats older than that. Paul]

>> Continental says that they believe their engines can make rated power on any of the proposed 100LL replacement even at slightly lower octane.

[They made that claim, and were flying a Bonanza around the country with their supposed lower octane engine. Unfortunately, the cylinders cracked. Paul]

>> The horsepower difference from lower compression ratio is comparatively minor.

[Still requires unworkable certification costs.]

>> Fuel injection and angle valves raised the O360 engine to 200 hp on 100LL just by these two items. I don't think compression was raised between the 180 hp O360 and the 200 hp IO360.

[The compression ratio was raised from 8.5:1 to 8.7:1, and the angle valves are larger, allowing more fuel/air mixture into the cylinder, hence more power out. Paul]

>> how many engines are running in test cells to establish that difference between mogas and 100LL.

[GAMI has done extensive test cell work with a variety of fuels; their work does not support a feasible mogas path forward. Paul]

>> Refiners sample and test every single run of avgas to ensure it meets the specifications before anything gets loaded in a truck.

[Just like they do with mogas. Paul]

>> Where is the lead mixed into the avgas in the distribution chain? I imagine it isn't at the refinery, it's at the distributor. And I doubt they have a truck or two that are specialized to only delivers avgas.

[No need to wonder or doubt, these things are quite known and knowable. The lead is blended at the refinery by circulating the avgas tank, with it's four components already batched in, through an eductor that sucks the lead out of the ISO container it arrived in from Liverpool. This circulation also serves to mix the tank. The dye and antioxidant additive are added through this same technique. Paul]

>> I don't believe any pipelines will carry leaded fuel anymore either, it's all being trucked.

[Avgas stopped moving by pipeline in the 60's as the volumes became too small to tolerate the transportation mixing (transmix) that occurs in pipelines. Paul]

>> Lots of fuel crosses the border both ways as these two refineries do not produce avgas continuously.

[Avgas is a batch product, unlike mogas that is continuously blended. There's no reason a refiner couldn't make batches consecutively, though, to remain in inventory, though it may not be economic to do so.]

>> Don't know if any of the west coast refineries in Washington State produce aviation gasoline any more.

[Chevron in Richmond, California is the only west coast avgas producer.]

>> I've always wondered how the quality of AVGAS (100LL) changes over time. Some of these storage tanks at airports are huge, and I can't imagine most of them are filled more than once a year.

[Avgas has a one year stability spec, unlike mogas that has a few month stability expectation. There aren't many huge tanks at airports with avgas in them... most are holding monthly quantities. Paul]

I think the cross contamination argument is a bit over blown. If the tanker is actually empty and you put 500, 1000, or 5000 gallons of AVGAS in it, it won't matter which petroleum was in it before, in practice operationally. Regulatory wise is another matter.

[And liability wise. Defend that decision in front of a jury...]

>> there are a lot of neighborhoods around airports that have higher lead contamination levels. IIRC this is one of the arguments that the people trying to close Reid-Hillview are making.

[That's true, and the EPA has been supporting that by conducting new "ambient" lead testing around airports, with sensors located just a few feet from runup areas, for example. Since there's no safe amount of lead ingestion, the EPA has also reduced the action level by two orders of magnitude. Paul]

>> Seems to me those folks need to be more concerned with drunk drivers around Reid-Hillview.

[What aboutism is seldom effective argumentation in a regulatory discussion. Paul]

>> it seems reasonable (to me anyway) to have two grades now: unleaded and leaded.

[It doesn't seem reasonable to anyone who has to pay for leak-detecting tanks, and segregated production facilities. No one in the industry is interested in that expense, including pilots once they find out how it might affect avgas pricing. Paul]

>> In clean and green California unleaded is only available at San Carlos, and it is the new Swift stuff.

[The Swift 94UL is the only unleaded avgas being produced, but there's not enough of it; San Carlos runs out regularly. But Swift doesn't believe it's economic to make two grades. They say when their 100UL is approved, the 94UL will go away; they can only afford one supply chain. Paul]

>> Is there really not enough interest or is it willingness in adding unleaded as a fuel choice in the areas that have the volume of traffic to support it?

[The economics don't work.]

>> The quickest, easiest solution to this is to make flying our "religion." The AIM is our "Bible." A flight is a religious "service" during which we commune with Sky (god).

[You've heard of the Church of the Lean of Peak, and their patron saint, Saint George of Ada?]

>> Big bore Lycomings and Continentals require 100 Octane because they run higher compression ratios. But does that mean they won't run just fine on 94UL? At what load/rpm do they start to suffer from detonation? If they start to detonate at max rpm, would planning a limitation of 100-150 rpm less make the aircraft useless or undesirable?

>> Combustion chamber size and compression ratio are the biggest drivers. Higher RPM actually helps avoid detonation. That's why you see bikes with tiny cylinder volumes and 12:1 compression do OK at 10,000+ rpm on pump gas. To make the high compression (higher than roughly 8.5:1), big bore engines happy on 94 octane would mean reducing compression ratio, which hurts efficiency and power.

>> the octane needed to operate an IO540 is above the 94UL currently offered? Has there been definitive proof of that, or are you just speculating?

[It depends on which IO540. One of the chosen test engine at GAMI in Ada is a 540, and it won't meet certification standards on mogas. Paul]

>> The NA IO550 is a 8.5 CR though. No different than the O320D3G was in my Warrior II. No need for 100LL.

[That's an overbroad statement. Most 550's breath much better than your O320, putting more fuel/air mixture into the cylinder per displacement cubic inch. That means more power, more heat, and more tendency to detonate. Paul]

>> [On FlightAware?] I'm looking at the "airborne aircraft by type" page. First on the list, the most common type showing up there is the Cessna 172, with 565 airborne The next most common GA type is the Piper Cherokee of the PA-28 persuasion, with 244 flying. Number 3 is the Skylane, with 146. Fourth is the SR-22, with 73, After that, it's the C150 with 62, C152 with 46, M20 with 45, Bonanza 36 with 32, and the DA40 with 29. I believe there is an 80-20 or thereabouts split, but the 80 and 20 are reversed from what "everybody knows".

[Have you corrected your calculation for fuel flow? Is your sample statistically valid? The FAA's relook a few years ago was not far from the 80/20, maybe 70/30. Paul]
@PaulMillner this is fantastic; I can't imagine how long it took to write all that, but thanks for doing so. I thought the unleaded fuel initiative had stalled, I'm glad to hear that there are positive developments. As the recent purchaser of a 300hp antique that requires 100 octane, the fear of being legislated or priced out of the hobby lurks in the back of my mind.
Thanks for setting me straight. Glad to hear about the GAMI efforts. Fingers crossed as I would like to get rid of the lead... but still fly my antique.
Go look at the report I posted. The curves are all in there. You will not find better information than that report.

Anecdotally, the RV crowd is largely in agreement that you're gonna need 100LL to be happy running a C/R of >8.5:1. And the hardcore RV guys are a bunch of cheap gearheads, so if they thought it was OK, they'd happily use pump gas in hopped up engines.

Everyone focuses on compression ratio in these discussions, but the compression ratio is not the only or even most important characteristic that divides engines that are happy on UL94 or lower from engines that need higher motor octane fuel. It happens to be the case that for Lycoming and Continental engines, most normally aspirated engines with CR<8.5 can use UL91, most with CR>8.5 cannot, and the engines with CR=8.5 are a mixed bag. But, that is a result of common design tradeoffs made in engines across the performance spectrum, rather than because CR itself is the fundamental determinant of knock susceptibility in these engines. Cylinder bore size is also a rather modest factor.

Consider the Lycoming (I)O-360 family. The most common members of this family are 180 hp models with CR=8.5. The earliest of these 180 hp models were certified for 91/96 avgas. (168 hp, CR=7.20 variants were certified for 80/87 avgas.) The carbureted 180 hp CR=8.5 models actually have 91 AKI mogas STCs, so they probably would work on a motor octane (MON) of 87 or so.

The (I)O-360 family also has models that are 200 hp with CR=8.7. FAA's testing shows these pretty clearly do not have acceptable anti-knock characteristics on UL94. Is that difference in octane requirements (at least 5 points?) due to the 0.2 increase in compression ratio? Probably not.

The compression ratio isn't the biggest difference between the two engines. The 200 hp engine is putting out 11% more power than the 180 hp engine, and the increased compression ratio accounts for less than 1% of that (for the Otto cycle and ambient air, thermal efficiency scales as 1 minus (CR to the -0.4 power), so changing the CR by 2% doesn't do anything too dramatic for efficiency). The bigger difference is that the 200 hp version has a higher volumetric efficiency: It ingests more air and thus burns more fuel with each stroke. Effectively, its throttle goes about 10% higher than its 180 hp cousins. This means that at full throttle and low density altitude (where knock is most likely), the 200 hp engine is compressing its fuel-air charge (mostly air) to a denser and hotter level than the 180 hp engine does, for reasons that are not directly related to the compression ratio. That heat and density prior to the ignition flame front is what drives the need for higher motor octane fuel.

The important parameter is called Brake Mean Effective Power, essentially the power per stroke per unit displacement, which has units of pressure. The Lycoming 180 hp (I)O-360 has a BMEP of 147 psi, while the 200 hp IO-360 has a BMEP of 163 psi. (This FAA report discusses BMEP, CR, and octane requirements in the fleet:

The BMEP explains why Lycoming engines with CR=8.5 are almost all approved by the manufacturer for UL91, but Continental engines with CR=8.5 fail the FAA's tests on UL94. The Continental IO-360 (used e.g. in older Cirrus SR-20s) is a 165 psi BMEP CR=8.5 engine, while the 180 hp Lycoming IO-360 (used e.g. in the Cessna 172S) is a 147 psi BMEP CR=8.5 engine. The lower BMEP engine is happy on UL91 and probably lower, while the higher BMEP can't use even UL94.

Note that in this comparison, the cylinder bore isn't driving things either. The Lycoming IO-360 is a 4-cylinder engine with 5.125-inch bore, while the Continental IO-360 is a 6-cylinder engine with 4.438-inch bore. Yet, the larger-bored Lycoming can handle substantially lower octane fuel.

In short, it's mostly about power density, in terms of power per unit area, i.e., how dense the fuel-air charge is. (The fact that CR=7.0 turbocharged engines need 100 MON fuel should be a big clue of that.) The fact that compression ratio gives you a decent rule of thumb among engines in a particular class (e.g., normally aspirated air-cooled aircraft engines from a given manufacturer) as more to do with the design tradeoffs that mean that compression ratio typically increases as BMEP increases than because the relatively modest differences in compression ratios among common GA engines are the fundamental factor.
Everyone focuses on compression ratio in these discussions, but the compression ratio is not the only or even most important characteristic that divides engines that are happy on UL94 or lower from engines that need higher motor octane fuel.

You should have read the rest of the thread before writing all of that. ;-)
Read many comments from people about high compression ratios. Most aircraft engines are actually low compression, not high. My motorcycle runs fine on 91 octane, and is 11.2 to 1 compression. GA planes are generally only around 8.5 to 1, which is less than most cars running pump gas from the corner store. My Jeep Rubicon is 9.6 to 1 and I use 87 octane in it, where as my 10.9 to 1 ratio 6.4 hemi Challenger gets 91 octane like my bike.
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Read many comments from people about high compression ratios. Most aircraft engines are actually low compression, not high. My motorcycle runs fine on 91 octane, and is 11.2 to 1 compression. GA planes are generally only around 8.5 to 1, which is less than most cars running pump gas from the corner store. My Jeep Rubicon is 9.6 to 1 and I use 87 octane in it, where as my 10.9 to 1 ratio 6.4 hemi Charger gets 91 octane like my bike.

Quite true. As I discussed in my post above, compression ratio is not the engine characteristic that drives the need for high octane fuel in aircraft engines. The reason to use high compression ratio is to increase thermodynamic efficiency, which all things being equal improves fuel economy. But absolute maximum fuel efficiency was not a major design criteria when the high-octane engines were developed, during WWII, for piston airliners, or for GA. Fuel was cheap and plentiful. And thermodynamic efficiency is not the only factor in the fuel efficiency of the overall aircraft. Rather the design goal was maximum power density--extracting the maximum power out of a given displacement of engine (and thus for a given amount of weight and drag caused by the engine). This is what drove designers to supercharging and turbocharging (which makes the engine less fuel efficient, but improves power density). It is the high power density that drives the need for high octane, because it necessarily (assuming you can't increase rpm) means a higher density (and thus temperature and pressure) of the fuel-air charge prior to the spark front and a higher risk of knock.

What makes the high-octane aircraft engines different from the low-octane aircraft engines and other low-octane engines of similar technology (i.e., without electronic anti-knock technology and other modern tricks) is their high power density and low rpm (or expressed another way, their high break mean effective pressure).
>> I have a IO360 Lycoming with the Surefly variable timing. 8.7 compression ratio. I am guessing that I could run on the 94UL, without a problem.

[First, note that your Surefly is only advancing the timing from stock, not retarding it. There's no detonation detection. The certification standards require you demonstrate 10% fuel flow detonation margin at red line CHT and oil temperature. Flying behind an angle valve IO360 myself, I'd be very surprised if you could make that work. So, you'll need to lower the CHT and oil red line tempeatures, then do climb cooling tests to prove to the FAA that you still have adequate margin for the 100 F day... none of that is cheap, even if it *might* work. Paul]

>> All they know is 'lead bad, must get rid of'. The unintended consequences are rarely a thought.

[I guess IQ impaired children are a consequence that is being considered, and given that, the forbearance for us to get our act together is astonishing. Paul]

>> Their ignorance is matched only by their zeal for quick solutions.

[This is a quick solution? Lead was regulated out of mogas in the early '90's, the industry unleaded avgas task force began work in 1991, and declared failure in 2011... this has been anything but a quick solution. Fortunately, it turns out the task force was trying to solve the wrong problem; the real problem was much more amenable to solution. Paul]

>> It's been decades since I first heard the trope that 20% of the sales base burn 80% of the 100LL. I just wonder if there's been a more recent snapshot. That study is 20-30 years old.

[As you know the FAA does a every-three-year survey of aircraft utilization. My recollection is that their more recent analysis is that 30% of the aircraft are burning 70% of the fuel... that's a distinction that doesn't make much of a difference. See the PAFI papers on their website. Paul]

>> seems like competent FADEC could take care of the knock issue

[It could, but not without reducing performance, which introduces the large cost certification issue, and the very large cost engine modification issue... plus time to comply. Paul]

>> having computer control over our ignition and fuel would let us run a lower octane fuel without losing horsepower. Shouldn’t be hard to develop a system for our engines

[Yikes, I don't think the science supports your assertion, it's been attempted in the engine test cell. Depends on your definition of hard... time, cost, installation details, recertification... Paul]

>> I could understand the lack of an STC for older planes. But the new stuff coming out has done nothing.

[Cessna attempted with the IO580 in the 206, and the IO360 in the 172. But the IO580 blew the heads on the cylinders, and the marketplace didn't want the lower compression 172, folks converted them to higher compression to improve power and fuel efficiency. Cessna responded to the marketplace. Paul]

>> The Diesels do have slightly less horsepower, however all of the ones I know of are turbo, at cruise altitude the diesels end up being far more efficient. The Diamond 62 will carry 7 adults on 12-14 gallons per hour.

[Careful how you measure efficiency. From an engineering and aircraft performance perspective, it's horsepower per pound of fuel. Diesels *appear* to be more efficient because the fuel is heavier, so in HP/gallon it looks better. But, airplanes aren't inherently limited by volume, but by weight... and in horsepower per pound, diesels don't have much or any of an advantage. Paul]

>> My understanding is that that 7:1 is what you have when the turbo isn't ... turboing. The whole point of turbo is to boost more air and fuel into the cylinders - so you have actually higher compression when the turbo is working.

[Not accurate. You might have greater fuel energy packed into the cylinder, but you recover less of it... the thermodynamic power output is definitely dependent on compression ratio, and turbo boost can't compensate for that. Paul]

>> The latest FAA update (8/20/2020) just says, "The FAA, fuel suppliers, and aerospace manufacturers continue to develop high octane, unleaded fuel formulations. The goal of these efforts is to identify fuel formulations that provide operationally safe alternatives to 100LL. The PAFI program continues to support the efforts of fuel producers as they bring forth alternative, unleaded fuels for testing and evaluation." Kind of a kick-the-can-down-the-road update from the FAA:

[Yeah, the FAA isn't leading any longer, which might be a good thing.]

>> Kyle B writes: Infiniti has a variable compression turbo engine that can get up to 14:1 on 91 octane. However, there is quite a bit of tech/complexity involved in achieving that. Direct injection being a big part of that, as well as some very efficient combustion chamber mechanisms. Most of that isn't too useful for marine or aviation applications, since wide power adjustments aren't really common for most aircraft.

>> Notice the cylinder volume and RPM generated by those high compression engines (often motorcycle engines). The cylinder volumes are small, and when the engine is making "real" power, the RPM are way up there. In comparison, our engines make full power at relatively low RPM and have huge cylinder volumes.

>> Why does this matter? Detonation. Cylinders with large volumes are far more prone to detonation than engines at the other end of the spectrum.

>> In small cylinders, the flame front burns through the small cylinder volume fast enough that the fuel burns before the pressure and temperature at the "corners" of the combustion chamber self-ignite the unburnt mixture. In larger cylinder volumes (where the flame front has to travel several times as far), the fuel in the corners (the farthest points from the spark plugs) gets heated and compressed a lot (that's a technical term) before the flame front arrives and you need high octane to make sure the fuel in the corners burns before it detonates.

>> Here's a 1962 paper on the effects of cylinder size on detonation and octane requirements if you don't mind registering:

[Thanks Kyle!]
Berkeley, California
...But absolute maximum fuel efficiency was not a major design criteria when the high-octane engines were developed, during WWII, for piston airliners, or for GA. Fuel was cheap and plentiful. And thermodynamic efficiency is not the only factor in the fuel efficiency of the overall aircraft. Rather the design goal was maximum power density--extracting the maximum power out of a given displacement of engine (and thus for a given amount of weight and drag caused by the engine). This is what drove designers to supercharging and turbocharging...

Yes and no. Fuel was cheap, but improving fuel economy maximizes range, which was critical for long range bombing missions, and over-water deliveries of those bombers, and a major consideration for transport planes, too. But it's all tied together, more power for the same engine weight, or less engine weight for the same power, means more payload, or more fuel can be carried, again for longer range.

Supercharging was driven by the need for high altitude operations as much as any other reason.
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It took quite a few clicks to get to the PDF of this study... but the points outlined in the summary and recommendations look incredibly interesting. The most surprising revelation for me is that there is a 100VLL option out there that I’ve never even heard of in this whole discussion. That’s not 100UL, but it’s progress.
I’ve read a few times here how the high power Cirrus/ Turbo 550’s will struggle the most w/o lead. But Cirrus says they are designed to be able to be turned down to a 7.5 to 1 compression and will be ready when the lead is gone?

Cirrus introduced a new model aircraft – the SR22T in June 2010. A significant feature of the SR22T is the Continental Motors (CMI) TSIO-550-K turbocharged engine. This new "K" model engine resulted from cooperation between Cirrus and CMI and is optimized for performance, engine operations and airframe integration - and to run on a variety of fuels, both domestically in the US and across the world.

CMI has chosen the TSIO-550-K engine to aid in the preparation for the "worst case" or "backstop" future fuel (94UL) discussed elsewhere on this page. Many would say that the turbocharged engines are the most vulnerable to a significant drop in octane, therefore making them a perfect test subject. A 94UL fuel specification already exists so a full range of testing, including certification, with the TSIO-550-K engine could be performed.

There are many ways to accommodate lower octane fuels but the most viable, near term solution for high performance airplanes is a reduced compression ratio. While more sophisticated solutions are in the works, longer lead times and economic reasons may not make them an appropriate solution.

The SR22T works with a 7.5:1 compression ratio which is sufficient to adapt to lower octane fuels. The lower compression ratio, however, does result in less efficiency (approximately 2-3%). The compromise results in a more fuel tolerant engine which reduces the future fuel risk, with a small sacrifice of in range.

This fuel flexibility ensures that your investment in a Cirrus aircraft is protected - regardless of changes in the future.
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I’ve read a few times here how the high power Cirrus/ Turbo 550’s will struggle the most w/o lead. But Cirrus says they are designed to be able to be turned down to a 7.5 to 1 compression and will be ready when the lead is gone?
There would also be a reduction in max output power, which would reduce takeoff performance. This has already been given by others as a reason not to more widely use MoGas, but a slight reduction in allowable gross weight would accomplish about the same thing.
You're not talking about a loss of 5hp. For instance, difference between a -J and -N 470 application is 35HP (8.5CR vs limp-wristed CR). Sr-22 marketing numbers are dead goose at proverbial 265hp. You think it's a coincidence they sidestepped the words horsepower and power loading entirely in that propaganda piece? Lol

Sales of SR-20 make this even more self-evident. Not that we need to even look at that, the entire lineup of legacy planes that come in hi-lo variants have made that evident for decades (cherokee six, commander 11(X), beech 33 variants, plus all the 200hp trainers vice their 250+hp cousins). Nobody who owns a 300hp mill is gonna be kosher with that kind of power loss. Turns their airplanes into paper weights.
this was covered in COPA a while ago. There actually is a pretty steep penalty for max continuous power, reduced power on take off, reduced cruise performance I think it was a reduction of something like 5in of MAP which is a lot.

because CR itself is the fundamental determinant of knock susceptibility in these engines
A nice presentation by Cesar Gonzales, Cessna (retired), to the ASTM unleaded avgas working group summarizes the eight engine design factors that affect octane requirement, and even attempts to rule-of-thumb quantify the effect of each. Compression ratio is definitely one of those, but of course, not the only one... but it is important.

Cesar's rudimentary slides are available on the ASTM web page; one of his rules-of-thumb that I like is that each 10 degrees F of CHT redline increase requires an additional octane number for the fuel.

So yeah... compression ratio isn't everything, but it *is* damn important, and you can reduce octane requirement by reducing compression ratio, and vice versa.

The most surprising revelation for me is that there is a 100VLL option out there that I’ve never even heard of in this whole discussion. That’s not 100UL, but it’s progress.
Yeah, that's not a real thing... 100VLL is 1.6 to 1.7 grams of lead per gallon, which isn't going to blow anyone's hair back who lives hear the airport. More importantly, that's actually about what the content of lead in avgas averages. So reducing the max from 2 grams to 1.7 grams would result in no net reduction in lead emissions. I don't think that is what anyone is looking for.

This NAS report is hamstrung by the language the Congress-critter added to the authorization act to create the report... it specifically forbid them to consider any of the fuels in development. SO, they talk about 94UL, 100LL, and mogas... that's all they were permitted to address, per Congressional act. Kind of makes the whole exercise useless IMHO.

This is all third party knowledge. e.g. I read it on the net!
Considering the price and toxicity of TEL, refiners already generally produce what is technically 100VLL to minimize the requirements to purchase and manage TEL. There are no easy substitutions to lower the TEL further and maintain spec, so this would be a good "marketing" and feel good measure with little practical effect. Assuming I followed it correctly, there is only one plant in the USA which still uses higher TEL levels than in VLL, that was varied based on the quality of the crude they were processing when they made the batch.

Maybe @PaulMillner can confirm.

One other item to consider. It is practically impossible to meet the DTSM specification without TEL. The specification was created by taking a fuel which worked, and then backward engineering the specification.
The approach GAMI is proposing is to instead focus on the actual fleet fuel requirements, vapor pressure, energy density by volume, reaction to seals... Other items such as fluid density are less material and they actually do not meet the DTSM specification. While the PAFI program was trying to get a perfect replacement which matched the DTSM specification. Hence GAMI's approach to go for an STC.

Note: this is all second hand knowledge from discussions by GAMI and others on few boards (mostly BT).

Considering the price and toxicity of TEL, refiners already generally produce what is technically 100VLL to minimize the requirements to purchase and manage TEL.
When you've got an ISO tote of TEL sitting in your refinery, it doesn't really affect toxicity whether it lasts 6 months or 5.5 months... 'cause it's going to be replaced by a new ISO tote of TEL. If you didn't think you could handle the TEL totes safely, you'd exit that business, rather than dealing with a decremental one every 6 years... However, you are correct... TEL costs money, so you don't add more than you need to achieve spec, plus a little giveaway on octane, lest you have to reblend (which could cause an expensive delay).

There are no easy substitutions to lower the TEL further and maintain spec, so this would be a good "marketing" and feel good measure with little practical effect.
It entirely depends on a refinery's blend pool... but yes, the refineries are already doing the most economic thing. For the few refineries that still put light reformate in the avgas blend, they COULD choose to run the reformer more severely, and back out some lead... but that's expensive to do, so they'd rather buy the lead. So you're right... a VLL spec just means it would be more difficult to compensate for variations in gasoline pool octane by tweaking lead, which would raise the cost of making 100LL.

there is only one plant in the USA which still uses higher TEL levels than in VLL, that was varied based on the quality of the crude they were processing when they made the batch.
Well... maybe, or maybe not. I *think* I know which refinery that is, and the issue isn't crude properties... the four components of most refineries avgas aren't crude property dependent: aviation alkylate, toluene, isopentane, additive package. The refinery in question has lower octane alkylate due to configuration issues. Those could be fixed, but it's not economic to do so... costs much more than it would be worth.

With the proposed 100UL formulations, you either change the HOBS (high octane blend stock, toluene in the above example) to something else... that's Swift's, Shell's, and GAMI's approach, or you change the octane-boosting additive, GAMI's, Phillips, Lyondell/VP Racing, and Shell's approach. None of those changes can be made today, because the existing 100LL specification doesn't allow it.

Wow, I actually understood that! I may not know bupkis about the actual chemicals, but I think I actually understood it. :)

When you've got an ISO tote of TEL sitting in your refinery, it doesn't really affect toxicity whether it lasts 6 months or 5.5 months... 'cause it's going to be replaced by a new ISO tote of TEL. If you didn't think you could handle the TEL totes safely, you'd exit that business, rather than dealing with a decremental one every 6 years... However, you are correct... TEL costs money, so you don't add more than you need to achieve spec, plus a little giveaway on octane, lest you have to reblend (which could cause an expensive delay).

It entirely depends on a refinery's blend pool... but yes, the refineries are already doing the most economic thing. For the few refineries that still put light reformate in the avgas blend, they COULD choose to run the reformer more severely, and back out some lead... but that's expensive to do, so they'd rather buy the lead. So you're right... a VLL spec just means it would be more difficult to compensate for variations in gasoline pool octane by tweaking lead, which would raise the cost of making 100LL.

Well... maybe, or maybe not. I *think* I know which refinery that is, and the issue isn't crude properties... the four components of most refineries avgas aren't crude property dependent: aviation alkylate, toluene, isopentane, additive package. The refinery in question has lower octane alkylate due to configuration issues. Those could be fixed, but it's not economic to do so... costs much more than it would be worth.

With the proposed 100UL formulations, you either change the HOBS (high octane blend stock, toluene in the above example) to something else... that's Swift's, Shell's, and GAMI's approach, or you change the octane-boosting additive, GAMI's, Phillips, Lyondell/VP Racing, and Shell's approach. None of those changes can be made today, because the existing 100LL specification doesn't allow it.

Do I understand this correctly- its not an issue of producing a fuel that higher powered engines can use, but rather that the candidates are being required to meet all the 100LL specs, which they can't do? So aircraft like mine that require 100 octane aren't in danger of losing horsepower, but may require some sort of modification to use the new fuel?

What's the chances of the new fuel being the same price or cheaper than 100LL?
Do I understand this correctly- its not an issue of producing a fuel that higher powered engines can use, but rather that the candidates are being required to meet all the 100LL specs, which they can't do? So aircraft like mine that require 100 octane aren't in danger of losing horsepower, but may require some sort of modification to use the new fuel?

What's the chances of the new fuel being the same price or cheaper than 100LL?

George from GAMI answered this over on BT a few years ago. Per George, they cannot meet many of the specs for 100LL, one of which was fluid density (that one stuck in my head), but they can meet the actual specs that matter (he provided a number of them, only ones I remember are octane and vapor pressure) that actual affect aircraft safety and performance.

George from GAMI answered this over on BT a few years ago. Per George, they cannot meet many of the specs for 100LL, one of which was fluid density (that one stuck in my head), but they can meet the actual specs that matter (he provided a number of them, only ones I remember are octane and vapor pressure) that actual affect aircraft safety and performance.

I thought I had heard that from Mike busch or somewhere, but I wasn't sure if I made it up because that's what I wanted to believe.
it is not an issue of producing a fuel that higher powered engines can use, but rather that the candidates are being required to meet all the 100LL specs, which they can't do?
It is a little bit subtle... The proposed fuels typically have properties that weren't anticipated in the 1930's when the avgas specification was developed:

For instance, the existing 100LL spec requires that 90% of a sample of avgas should boil away by the time it is heated to 135 C or 275 degrees Fahrenheit. But both Swift and GAMI are using slightly heavier aromatics than traditionally (to achieve the necessary octane performance). A blend might be 20% heavier aromatics, and they start boiling at 137 degrees C. So, if you have 20% of your blend made up of a material that doesn't boil until 137 degrees, there's no way to boil away 90% of it by 135 C. Now... does that make a difference to the engine? Swift and GAMI have spent over a decade now demonstrating that such very slightly heavier fuels work just fine in aircraft and engines in every way... but, the existing spec of 80 years standing wouldn't allow that.

Understandably, the FAA isn't comfortable (or perhaps legally able) to say, "Ah, heck, that's close enough!" Instead, tons of data must be presented and analyzed to prove that this change won't cause an adverse result under some obscure set of conditions. That's a lot of work to demonstrate.

Boiling points:
meta-xylene 139.3°C
ortho-xylene 144.4°C
para-xylene 137°C
mesitylene 164.7°C

aircraft like mine that require 100 octane aren't in danger of losing horsepower, but may require some sort of modification to use the new fuel?
It is not likely that any modifications will be required to aircraft.

What's the chances of the new fuel being the same price or cheaper than 100LL?
That's an interesting question. The cost of the components going into these new unleaded avgas blends are slightly higher... from 25 cents to $1 per gallon of avgas, depending on whose numbers you look at. Since these materials largely are marketed in the chemical domain rather than the refining domain (though manufactured in refineries in some cases), prices swing with the manufacturing economy (think demand for plastics in a heated economy) rather than commodity fuel demand. So the pricing cycles maybe cross over or diverge, depending on world economic factors.

All that said, the factor that could push unleaded avgas prices down is that it will be incredibly easier to get into the business, if one wishes. Yes, you'll need some special facilities compliant with the relevant specifications (for example, coated tanks). But, you will not be incurring the huge liability of lead-contaminated facilities. So any number of specialty chemical, racing fuel, or other blending facilities might choose to enter the 100UL marketplace. And competition is a good thing.

All that said, the factor that could push unleaded avgas prices down is that it will be incredibly easier to get into the business, if one wishes. Yes, you'll need some special facilities compliant with the relevant specifications (for example, coated tanks). But, you will not be incurring the huge liability of lead-contaminated facilities. So any number of specialty chemical, racing fuel, or other blending facilities might choose to enter the 100UL marketplace. And competition is a good thing.


Interesting thought. The boutique car/bike business might drive a fair amount of 100 UL business with the high dollar toy crowd. Also, "everyone knows" higher octane is better for your engine and gives you more power, so some mainstream users might buy it on occasion.

Economies of scale are a good thing.
It is a little bit subtle... The proposed fuels typically have properties that weren't anticipated in the 1930's when the avgas specification was developed:

For instance, the existing 100LL spec requires that 90% of a sample of avgas should boil away by the time it is heated to 135 C or 275 degrees Fahrenheit. But both Swift and GAMI are using slightly heavier aromatics than traditionally (to achieve the necessary octane performance). A blend might be 20% heavier aromatics, and they start boiling at 137 degrees C. So, if you have 20% of your blend made up of a material that doesn't boil until 137 degrees, there's no way to boil away 90% of it by 135 C. Now... does that make a difference to the engine? Swift and GAMI have spent over a decade now demonstrating that such very slightly heavier fuels work just fine in aircraft and engines in every way... but, the existing spec of 80 years standing wouldn't allow that.

Understandably, the FAA isn't comfortable (or perhaps legally able) to say, "Ah, heck, that's close enough!" Instead, tons of data must be presented and analyzed to prove that this change won't cause an adverse result under some obscure set of conditions. That's a lot of work to demonstrate.

Boiling points:
meta-xylene 139.3°C
ortho-xylene 144.4°C
para-xylene 137°C
mesitylene 164.7°C

It is not likely that any modifications will be required to aircraft.

That's an interesting question. The cost of the components going into these new unleaded avgas blends are slightly higher... from 25 cents to $1 per gallon of avgas, depending on whose numbers you look at. Since these materials largely are marketed in the chemical domain rather than the refining domain (though manufactured in refineries in some cases), prices swing with the manufacturing economy (think demand for plastics in a heated economy) rather than commodity fuel demand. So the pricing cycles maybe cross over or diverge, depending on world economic factors.

All that said, the factor that could push unleaded avgas prices down is that it will be incredibly easier to get into the business, if one wishes. Yes, you'll need some special facilities compliant with the relevant specifications (for example, coated tanks). But, you will not be incurring the huge liability of lead-contaminated facilities. So any number of specialty chemical, racing fuel, or other blending facilities might choose to enter the 100UL marketplace. And competition is a good thing.

Great information once again... thanks for taking the time to respond!
...(I don't think compression was raised between the 180 hp O-360 and the 200 hp IO-360....
O-360-A1AD, 180 HP, 8.5 compression ratio (Used in a TB-10)
IO-360-A1B6, 200HP, 8.7 compression ratio (Used in a TB-200)
The TB-10 and TB-200 are nearly identical to my TB-9. I'm dreaming of a bigger engine. :)