no foggles needed


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
Pretty low here today:
(might as well skip to 0:22)


  • LowDay.wmv
    994 KB · Views: 61
dave, what airport was that?? thats pretty low!
Beats me Tony, someone just sent it to me. Must be a catIIIc - nothing I would ever get to do.
well i was pretty sure it wasnt the ranch!
Well Dave if it's that low i dont need to be flying.
Dave G
A bit lower than the last time I went to Brazoria County..... which was, I think, the same day I went into Lakefront at minimums.

Cameras will not pick up the runway lights as soon as the eye will.

"trust the instruments. Trust the instruments... trust the...."
WOW the RVR is like 100 feet! What are the RVR minimums in a catIIIc?
HOLY MOLY! so, how do you find the terminal? Progressive taxi when the tower doesn't know where you're at and you can't see the taxiway signs,...
HOLY MOLY! so, how do you find the terminal? Progressive taxi when the tower doesn't know where you're at and you can't see the taxiway signs,...

There are appropriate markings (but it can be an issue).

I was riding in back of a 767 that did a Cat III into ZRH one morning. We couldn't see beyond the wingtips. IIRC, there was a "follow-me" car and pavement lighting....