Dave Siciliano
Final Approach
We had this debate many times in the military; going in IMC or very dark night with no reachable airfields or obvious places to land, why would you go to best glide? If you impact something before you expect, you're going much faster than necessary. In the helicopters, we didn't come straight down when we couldn't see below us, we came in just above translational lift.
Everyone just goes to best glide; if the field you need to get to is below you, why? If you can't see and don't know where the obstacles are, minimum descent rate is what I'd trim to; Hennings' speed when I got low enough to hit something.
Everyone just goes to best glide; if the field you need to get to is below you, why? If you can't see and don't know where the obstacles are, minimum descent rate is what I'd trim to; Hennings' speed when I got low enough to hit something.