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I've been surprised by the amount of Europeans who watch the NFL.

I watch some college football, but otherwise I'm more interested in hockey, soccer, or golf (the majors or for background noise). Sports are about the only reason to have a TV package nowadays.

With that said, I will happily go watch pretty much anything in person.
I turned on tv last night just as the game was starting. I was going to watch the rest of a movie on prime.

I was on the broadcast channel when the announcers started explaining about the "black national anthem" being played at every game. I got it switched to fire stick quickly.

I'm sorry, I didn't know we had two (more?) nations... I always thought it was "One nation, under God...."

I'm done. This nation is so divided. I don't see it when I fly over it... That's the best perspective anyway... From above the fray.

Prime's got something called "The Aviators," it's rudimentary, but I like it... And it's just about all the tv I can stand anymore...
I have never been a big NFL fan although I did sort of follow my home team. I used to watch a few games due to peer pressure but that is gone now too.

But I just wonder where all that money is still coming from and how long the flow can last. Will this be like almost everything else and people will forget why they are mad and go back to watching, or is this a sea change and the end of the NFL along with many other traditions?
Will this be like almost everything else and people will forget why they are mad and go back to watching, or is this a sea change and the end of the NFL along with many other traditions?

Until reading this, how many of you honestly remembered that today is September 11? And even more poignantly, how many here don't even know, or didn't immediately remember the significance of this date?
Until reading this, how many of you honestly remembered that today is September 11?

I always remember this date, for a more personal reason. This was my Mother's birthday long before the tragic events of 2001.
I guess I'm a contrarian POA'er, I do watch. Redskins fan since 5th grade. This year I have to pick a new team to root for, so I picked the Washington Football Team. I watch other games occasionally, and have been a fan of the Red Zone when I have been able to see it for free. So this year, since I cut the cord while moving away from the 3.0 mbs DSL rural island, I did the NFL Game Pass International hack to get as much NFL as I want on the big screen.

I agree that watching in person is more desirable. Lots of good memories from game days over the last 20 years, more often than not the game was an afterthought.

Until reading this, how many of you honestly remembered that today is September 11?

I always do.
I was on the broadcast channel when the announcers started explaining about the "black national anthem" being played at every game. I got it switched to fire stick quickly.

hmmm, good thing I record the game I'm going to watch and then blast through all the blather and yapping. But, yeah, <reaction redacted because of ROC>

and an aside to those watching hockery... really? NHL is a joke with 4-on-4 overtime and don't hit someone from behind. Players didn't used to handle the puck while facing the boards - now they do it deliberately.
I have been a sports fan for what seems like forever. Played baseball from age eight to eighteen and love the sport. Sadly, the fun of sports is overshadowed by all the BS players and leagues want to drag into the spotlight. Sports for me was always a break from the everyday goings on, a chance to just enjoy the game and the strategy. Now, you have to listen to what players think is right and they way things should be addressed. For God's sake just play the game, do your job! I couldn't care less what they think about politics or any other subject.

I doubt things will return to what was once normal so I guess I'm done watching sports. There is only one national anthem, and yes I still get goose bumps when it plays. The plus is I will have more time to fly and my bride and our baby girl (Mastiff) will be happy the house volume level is normal on Sundays. It will probably do my health good not to holler at the tv.....and life moves on.
I love football but it would be really hard for me to watch it any less than I already do. :o) Stopped a couple years ago. Won't get political here other than to say I wont get political.

Admittedly I caught a few minutes of the Superbowl last year at a friends SB party. I left early.
I’m not a NFL fan, but I am a Giants fan, so for the past 8 years I haven’t watched much football. But if they’re going to force politics down my throat, giving it up will be effortless.
Does anybody watch this anymore? Stumbled across the season opener and was reminded why I don’t waste hours of my life on this anymore. I don’t have any friends or acquaintances who watch NFL football anymore. NCAA - still have a few friends who watch their alma mater for old time’s sake and I will watch part of a Virginia Tech game every once in a while if feeling nostalgic.

But who watches pro football these days?

I think I have watched two whole games in the 36 years I've been alive and neither was planned or desired.
I love it. I’m a football junkie. Best sport to watch. That and NHL playoff hockey.

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I lost interest in the NFL when it became obvious to me it was perfectly acceptable to try to win by injuring your opponent.

This is why I can't stand to watch hockey. Other team have a really skilled player that burns your guys? No problem, have your goons slam his head on the boards/ice/your fist/whatever, and take him out for 6 weeks with a concussion. Problem solved!

What a stupid sport. Imagine the outrage if other teams were allowed to bound Tom Brady's head off the turf every game? Stupid sport.
Until reading this, how many of you honestly remembered that today is September 11? And even more poignantly, how many here don't even know, or didn't immediately remember the significance of this date?
This is a date I will never forget. I had friends in NYC when it happened. They moved away because of it (and in my opinion, let "them" win).

Today's young adults are so clueless about history, this day and so many others are unimportant to them. And it will remain so unless it becomes a federal holiday and school/work/whatever gives them the day off.
This is why I can't stand to watch hockey. Other team have a really skilled player that burns your guys? No problem, have your goons slam his head on the boards/ice/your fist/whatever, and take him out for 6 weeks with a concussion. Problem solved!

What a stupid sport. Imagine the outrage if other teams were allowed to bound Tom Brady's head off the turf every game? Stupid sport.

Lol, that's why in Hockey there's a term used pretty often: keep your head on a swivel. Also, in hockey, if someone takes out your player in a dirty way, you go fisticuffs. No waiting until the next inning to earhole him like in baseball, no waiting until the next offensive series to take a shot at their QB. It gets hashed out immediately and is allowed until players drop to the ice. Swift justice.

This is a date I will never forget. I had friends in NYC when it happened. They moved away because of it (and in my opinion, let "them" win).

Today's young adults are so clueless about history, this day and so many others are unimportant to them. And it will remain so unless it becomes a federal holiday and school/work/whatever gives them the day off.

I call BS. Kid's today are just as knowledgeable about historical events as they've ever been. However, even if they couldn't cite when VJ-Day was or when the OKC bombing occurred, what difference does it make? I'm all for knowing history lest you be doomed to repeat it, but if we pause to remember every incident in our countries (or world's) history, we'll be doing remembrances every day. Remember the Boston Bombing, the OKC Bombing, the Alamo, the Iran-Contra scandal, 9/11, etc. At some point, I'd rather them understand what that incident was and why it was significant rather than worry about virtue signaling every day that they "won't forget".
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I quit sports. The constant virtue signaling from players/owners about crap was more than I could take. I wouldn’t put up with any social or political commentary at a strip club and feel the same way about sports. I pay to be entertained. STFU and entertain me otherwise I’m out.
I call BS. Kid's today are just as knowledgeable about historical events as they've ever been. However, even if they couldn't cite what VJ-Day was or when the OKC bombing occurred, what difference does it make? I'm all for knowing history lest you be doomed to repeat it, but if we pause to remember every incident in our countries (or world's) history, we'll be doing remembrances every day. Remember the Boston Bombing, the OKC Bombing, the Alamo, the Iran-Contra scandal, 9/11, etc. At some point, I'd rather them understand what that incident was and why it was significant rather than worry about virtue signaling every day that they "won't forget".

I'll agree it ain't the day that's important... But ask a majority of them about WWII, they might say "Vietnam, right?" Ask them about Korea, desert storm. Some might remember something if their parents were involved... Or maybe grampa... But they still are clueless.

If they weren't, would they participate in peaceful protests financed, led and fomented by self avowed Marxist activists today?

I gotta stop I don't want to break the rules.
I call BS. Kid's today are just as knowledgeable about historical events as they've ever been.

At some point, I'd rather them understand what that incident was and why it was significant rather than worry about virtue signaling every day that they "won't forget
Why is it that your desire is purely for education, but others must be virtue signaling? That seems unfair. How can you not be able to cite what VJ Day was but still somehow understand it?
How can you not be able to cite what VJ Day was but still somehow understand it?

Because the date itself isn't important. Could have easily been a day earlier, later, a week later, etc...

forest, trees.
Because the date itself isn't important. Could have easily been a day earlier, later, a week later, etc...

forest, trees.
I’d that was the case I agree, that’s not what he said.
Hate the players and the coaches and the teams and the corruption of the NCAA. Priced the game out of reach of most people (outside of television).

Plenty of better sports deals out there: minor league baseball, your local bullring auto races, etc...
I call BS. Kid's today are just as knowledgeable about historical events as they've ever been.
But only for the events they were taught. I know of a group of 20 somethings who never had heard of the Kent State shootings. They were never taught about it. It varies between jurisdictions but I would think it was still a major historical event. It's no wonder when you talk to that age group that they think the issues today are something "new" with no unrest in the 60s/70s or early 1900s. I guess it's the new history they're teaching like the new math was. As the old saying goes...
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”–George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905.
For me, it's not about them exercising freedom of speech, it's that they allowed it to overshadow the game. I'm free to say what I want at work as well, but if I spend every day making a spectacle of myself, it would damage my professional reputation. People pay to see them play a sport at a high level, not to hear their opinions on current events. They are free to do as they please, but the market value of the NFL, NBA, etc. will continue to decline until they get back to working about the product in the field. Eventually that hits the owner's pocketbook and then the player's pocketbook.

Exactly. I gave up three years ago. I miss the NFL but simply don't see going back to it. It's no longer in their DNA to just play football at the highest level of the a sport.

Why is it that your desire is purely for education, but others must be virtue signaling? That seems unfair. How can you not be able to cite what VJ Day was but still somehow understand it?

So because you linked to a video clip edited to show mostly-ignorant youngsters it makes it fact? Hell, I can go out and video 100 "boomers" and ask them a few questions about significant US history, then edit out half of them who don't have a clue about the subject matter. I can also grab those same 100 boomers and ask them how to set the clock on their VCR (because they probably still have one) and most won't be able to, but a "millennial" will figure it out without the instruction book in less than 5 minutes. Should I say all Boomers are technologically incompetent? Obviously not. Don't cherry pick to make your argument.

As far as education vs virtue signaling, why must one make a spectacle each year to "remember" what they didn't forget? What part of that is education? Do you think people stop what they are doing each year on the anniversary of the end of Desert Storm to educate themselves figure out what it was about? I seriously doubt it. So, it ends up being virtue signaling, to me. Most just post an American flag on FB with a background/slogan remembering "X Event" and then that's the end of it. To direct the thread back to the OP, I feel it's the same with the NFL. A bunch of wealthy guys who make an empty gesture to "support" a cause. After they kneel down or whatever, that's the end of their effort to educate or support whatever political/sociological flavor of the month it is. I care more about when they go and visit sick children in the hospital and donate money to cancer research, because at least then they made a sacrifice even if it was just their personal time.
I watch my NFL team regularly. I am certainly not a liberal. Far from it. I don't care if the players take a knee, or stay in the locker room during the anthem. It's a free country. Protest how you wish, as long as you are not destroying other's property or hurting people. The players' protests at the beginning of games clearly meets that threshold. Frankly, I abhor police abuse, too. Everyone should. I don't agree that every instance that is raised in the media actually is police misconduct. I just wish we could have a real conversation and analysis of acceptable police policy without everyone going to their own corners and coming out fighting. We need the police to keep the peace, and we need them to exercise the use of force judiciously. Let's re-evaluate police procedures and train our police to apply them fairly, punish those who don't and support those who do.
The NFL has been alienating me (and I believe others) for the last few years. I've been backing away for some time, and the shenanigans this year have pushed me over the edge. I won't waste a single moment of my life on NFL (or MLB, for that matter) this year, and may end up walking away forever.
So because you linked to a video clip edited to show mostly-ignorant youngsters it makes it fact? Hell, I can go out and video 100 "boomers" and ask them a few questions about significant US history, then edit out half of them who don't have a clue about the subject matter. I can also grab those same 100 boomers and ask them how to set the clock on their VCR (because they probably still have one) and most won't be able to, but a "millennial" will figure it out without the instruction book in less than 5 minutes. Should I say all Boomers are technologically incompetent? Obviously not. Don't cherry pick to make your argument.

There’s so much wrong with this, but I’ll let it go with one comment. It should be obvious that concern for the quality of education and remembering 3k American deaths is not the same as spoiled, entitled brats clamoring for even greater attention from their privileged platforms. You may want to consider exercising a little more discretion when painting with such a broad brush.
I watch the home team and probably will again this season. My mom and I watch and text each other the whole game. Its a common love and I am sure she enjoys the texting more than the game. But I am definitely lost the love for the sport. Same with baseball. Maybe the lower ratings will reduce the enormous salaries some players get.
I stopped watching the nfl when they started blacking out the home games. You don’t want me to watch, fine, I won’t watch. That was a long time ago.
San Diego used to do the same thing, it's a very interesting way to treat your fan base. I doubt anyone here misses the Chargers
I watch my NFL team regularly. I am certainly not a liberal. Far from it. I don't care if the players take a knee, or stay in the locker room during the anthem. It's a free country. Protest how you wish, as long as you are not destroying other's property or hurting people. The players' protests at the beginning of games clearly meets that threshold. Frankly, I abhor police abuse, too. Everyone should. I don't agree that every instance that is raised in the media actually is police misconduct. I just wish we could have a real conversation and analysis of acceptable police policy without everyone going to their own corners and coming out fighting. We need the police to keep the peace, and we need them to exercise the use of force judiciously. Let's re-evaluate police procedures and train our police to apply them fairly, punish those who don't and support those who do.

Agreed. Most of the data has shown that there isn't much of a disparity on who gets killed/hurt by police on a race basis once all of the factors are weighed. However, there is some pretty good data that shows some bias in the courtroom-side of the equation related to severity and length of punishment/sentencing. Unfortunately, with the police, they need to have personal liability for their actions and carry liability insurance (like a doctor) but the police unions will never allow it. With the judicial system, the judicial review of judges is performed by, wait for it . . . other judges! So, they are unlikely to out one of their own, especially not on public record. Certainly problems that need to be solved, but until it affects one of the high-up politicians directly, I doubt NFL players kneeling or protests are going to cure it.
I love it. My son and I watch every Sunday and I greatly look forward to it. I don't pay attention to the political crap. There's nothing better than spending the afternoon with my teenage son chatting it up and watching the games.
I watch my NFL team regularly. I am certainly not a liberal. Far from it. I don't care if the players take a knee, or stay in the locker room during the anthem. It's a free country. Protest how you wish, as long as you are not destroying other's property or hurting people. The players' protests at the beginning of games clearly meets that threshold. Frankly, I abhor police abuse, too. Everyone should. I don't agree that every instance that is raised in the media actually is police misconduct. I just wish we could have a real conversation and analysis of acceptable police policy without everyone going to their own corners and coming out fighting. We need the police to keep the peace, and we need them to exercise the use of force judiciously. Let's re-evaluate police procedures and train our police to apply them fairly, punish those who don't and support those who do.
I agree with almost all of this, but it's based upon the fallacious premise that there is widespread, "systemic" abuse within the police system. I hope I'm still within the forum rules by stating the following...

What there is is constant, widespread coverage of the extremely rare instances of police brutality, and even then, only when the person being abused is of certain ethnicities. The vast, VAST majority of interactions police engage in with the populace, whether while enforcing the law and engaging with those participating in criminal behavior or while assisting and helping folks with problems, questions, or who've been the victims of a crime, are all very positive. Yes, there's a minute amount of horribleness, but that's true EVERYWHERE in EVERYTHING. To focus on it and use it as a political tool to make it seem as if the entire concept of law enforcement practice needs to be overhauled and to label police in general as racist is ... well.. akin to saying that all teachers are terrible because of that one bad 7th grade teacher a friend of a friend's kid had in school a couple years ago.

Should we aim for 100% perfection in our law enforcement interactions? Absolutely. Should we accept police overreach and brutality when it happens? Absolutely not. Do the few instances of constantly covered, horrible policing indicate widespread problems and proof of constant police brutality? Absolutely not. Constant media coverage does not indicate constant occurrence.
Unfortunately, with the police, they need to have personal liability for their actions and carry liability insurance (like a doctor)

I am not sure how that really creates any incentive. If they all have to buy insurance, and then insurance pays the judgment, there really is nothing to encourage the individual officer to make better decisions. Besides, cops aren't paid much anyway. They are never going to individually pay the costs that they can inflict others if they violate citizens' civil rights.
I suspect a lot of people supporting knee-taking and "free speech" would sing a different tune if the players started protesting against abortion.

I don’t think the majority of people care that they want to support a cause, it’s how they do it that we find disrespectful. I still wouldn’t support kneeling during the anthem for any cause. If you live in this country you should stand proud and respect the flag and what it means. If you want to protest in other ways go right ahead. The other issue is they are protesting a somewhat fabricated divide. Don’t be a criminal and there wouldn’t be an issue.
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