NFL Protests in Rocky Bleier Eyes

Whatever the actual issue is they are supposedly protesting is irrelevant, the idea it is pretty simple. You are at work, you are being paid to do your job, you cannot protest at work, especially if your boss says you can't. I can't protest at work. Technically the 1st amendment protects me if I want to tell my boss to kiss my @ss, but he can also fire me for it. I don't see how this is any different.
Never much cared for celebrity opinions. Those people live in a different world than the rest of us.
Said what I've been saying all along. First Amendment doesn't apply in a private workplace, only govt. Even then (military) there are serious restrictions in govt workplaces.

If CK was standing on the sidelines with a Nazi salute in protest of all his oppressed Neo-Nazi bros, you can darn well bet that would get eliminated in a heartbeat and all these people voicing right to protest would be silent.
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Growing up (and still) a die-hard Cowboys fan, I detested everything about the Steelers after they beat Dallas in two Super Bowls (argghh Jackie Smith!) while I was in high school. But one year in high school we had to read a biography and do a book report on it, and the school library had Rocky Blier's book. It was called "Fighting Back!" Although it took twenty years and an eventual Dallas Super Bowl victory over Pittsburgh to get over my dislike for the Steelers, I have always had the utmost respect for Rocky Blier.