Question for people w/ Medical knowledge.
First: I am feeling pretty good. They took out the pain pump and I don't like pills so I have swapped out my prescribed meds for a couple ibuprofen and hopefully will stop all of it tomorrow. I met w/ the Doc, we went over the images and I am 100X better than I thought I would be going in. All Good news
So question is this Tue, Wed, Thur I was in incredible pain in all of my joints. My legs were killing me at the hip joints. It was unbearable. All my muscles were on fire and I hurt everywhere. It felt like trying a new sport for the first time that your body isn't used to.
My jaw was probably the worst but I assume that was from being propped open. I probably slept 1-2 hrs each night.
I asked the PA and she said that is pretty common, it is from the anesthesia. She didn't have a lot of detail about it and I have been put under before (many years ago) and don't recall this.
Anyone else have this experience or know of a cause after surgery? Maybe it was the meds but that seems like an odd side effect. Quite possibly I was tense all over for hours thinking abut the upcoming procedure.
Maybe while I was out they did that game where two of them held my hands and two of them held my feet and they swung me around and around and let kids run under me.
The pain all started to fade late yesterday so I am ok but just curious at this point.