Update: I feel like a million bucks. Mostly pchchological (lots of good news) and meds.
(pardon typos. Doing my best but nerve block hasn't worn off I am trying to catch them but I cannot feel my hand)
I go to prep and it starts getting real and I start to get nervous. Wait! first question. Why do I have to be naked to have surgery? That was odd. I said "Look I am here to get my shoulder worked on. Not to impress a bunch of nurses"
so I am in my paper gown and they give the IV and go through 9 Ebola questionairres and then anesthesiologist comes over and he is cool as can be. They all are it seems
He says "did anyone bring up having a nerve block?" I said "yes in fact I bring it up a lot. I want one"
This is where it is weird. He makes me groggy and my arm is elevated on some pillows so he does the block and I guess since that was the last signal my brain got from the arm, to my brain, that is where the arm remains in space.
my arm was dead but I felt like I had it outstretched and upward. Just looking at it next to me and feeling like my are was in a different space totally creates a powerful illusion that the arm I am looking at is not mine. That is not where my arm is.
Now I am coherent and know that it is my arm but this is a new kind of spatial disorientation. My body and brain disagree completely.
So my arm is actually dangling off the bed and I cannot move it so the nurse hands my right hand to me and says hold your arm here.
I am sorry but it felt so weird to be "holding another dude's hand".
That is exactly what it felt like. I am soo totally straight...
Just hanging onto another warm man hand for 2 hours while waiting for OR to become available was weird. Especially since my right arm was most certainly up and out in front of me to my brain.
They are running 2 hours behind and I am given something that I can't recall but it has 2 syllable and ends in "ved or Sed" it is making me in and out of sleep
After a couple hours Doc comes in and off we go to OR
We get me on to the table and talk a lot and I am getting more and more nervous but I am at the same time completely stoned. Felt like I was floating but my rational brain was clear as to what was happening.
I just lacked muscle control do say or do much but my thinking was clear as a bell. So I started getting nervous about going under.
At that point I made the choice to just close my eves and go to sleep on my own and ignore the conversation. I vaguely recall hearing in about 3 minutes administer Propofol and that was it.
I did actually dream at one point so it wasn't like an instant no time has passed feeling but could have been since he used less anesthesia due to having the nerve block (that was the plan)
next thing I know I am gagging. I woke up with the intibation tube still in my throat
Holy crap that was horrible. They pull it out and I am not sure if it is corrugated or what but it was awful
Off to recovery and I am very confused I don't recall but Apparently whatever I was blabbeing on about was funny because the nurses were laughing their asses off (might have been because I was naked though) I was foggy but apparently in good spitrits
I felt very confused and very comfortable
Doc says it was better than we thought. The tears were superficial and need not be stitched up. Several bone spurs and an impingement so instead of a 6 mon. recovery, it will be a week or 2 and I only need the sling for a few days.
So, all good news and I have this great little deal in the photo below.
The ball is full of meds and goes into the shoulder and will just bathe it in pain meds for the next few days.
This is genius:
Thanks for humoring this long thread about my dumb ladder fall and resulting injury.
I feel good and I am happy with how it all worked out.
I should be flying soon
I paid for 3 CPT codes. Deompression, Cuff repair and bone spur.
I wonder if they will adjust the bill and remove the cuff repair. That was probably the most expensive one. I don't care that much. I am happy to be happy but AvGas fund quickly became the medical fund and I want to fly again soon.
Either way, Feelin good!