Greetings all,
In order to reduce the cost and increase the time, I am going to purchase a Cessna 150. Here are my questions (not all 150 specific):
If the TBO is 1800, is buying one with 800-1000 on the engine a stupid or smart move?
Should I only consider one with a very recent engine?
If the plane is 200-300 miles do I arrange a pre-purchase/annual/delivery? Do I need to hire a broker from the start? Can anyone tell me the usual rate for broker fees?
I am sure I am not asking the most important questions, but those are the ones that I am thinking about. I am thinking that I will pay more for a newer engine-ed plane.
thanks for the advice,
o I expect that there will be lots of comments regarding whether or not, buying an airplane will reduce the cost of your training journey. I did it, but not for the purpose of saving money. There were no rentals in my area and I wanted to own my aircraft anyway. Just because you're a pilot, doesn't mean that ownership is best for you. I will let others hash over this first issue. Another thing is that if you buy an airplane, you will be much more committed to finishing your PPL and beyond.
o My Cessna 140 has an O200A out of a 150. I have been through the prebuy inspection and several annuals and feel that I do have some knowledge regarding these engines, plus I have LOTS of experience with engines in general beginning with growing up in my Dad's auto repair shop and being a car nut ever since. Google "Harry Fenton" and you can come up with some top notch information on this engine. Harry is a four cylinder Continental guru. Among that information, you will find that these engines, properly cared for, COMMONLY go over 3,000 hours. I bought mine when it was 1750 and have never regretted it. To me an 800 hour engine would be fresh. On the prebuy, it is important that the guy knows something about these little engines. If it has good compression, good oil pressure and is not making metal and you take care of it PROPERLY, preferably adding an oil filter if it doesn't already have one, you will very likely get hundreds and even thousands of hours from it.
o From where I sit, if the engine has a good history and passes the inspection I outlined above, I would not hesitate to buy one with an engine moving toward TBO, but the price should be adjusted accordingly.
o You won't necessarily need a broker, especially for a low end plane such as this. Call around and post on this forum where the plane is located and see if someone on here knows a competent and trustworthy IA for the prebuy inspection. You aren't buying a Citation. There are plenty of old timers around that know the 150 like the back of their hand. If nothing else, google the airport designator and call the FBO or the terminal and ask around. Once you accept the prebuy inspection, it would be ideal if the seller is willing to fly the plane to you himself. If he is willing to fly the plane that far, it says that he is probably confident in the condition of the plane.
If you carry through with the purchase after the prebuy, consider using the AOPA title service. It is expensive, but they will do a title search, among other things, and ensure that everything is on the up and up from a legal and title standpoint.
I bought "The Piggy" in the Summer of 2011 and agonized over the same questions you posted. It has all worked out wonderfully, since with coaching, I followed due diligence with the prebuy and with the business end of the deal.
Feel free to PM me, and if it would help, I can then give you my phone number if you would like to chat.
Hope this helps.
Edit: I passed up the chance to pitch the 120/140 planes. If the 150 you have an eye on doesn't pan out, consider a 120 or 140. They are extremely similar to the 150, especially the 140A model which has the exact same wing. Wonderful aircraft with a very supportive owner community.