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Yea. Nice summary.Thanks Ron.
Thanks. I fly at a D-airport, with FBOs and hangars on both sides. Only one side of the rwy has a full-lenth taxiway. There have been cases of incursions when an aircraft is at the north end (normally R18), and has been told to "taxi R36". Pilot assumes OK to cross the runway (since it's usually called R18) in order to get to the full-length taxiway. Lately, though, the new taxi instructions, "taxi R36 via Bravo to Juliet", prevent that.
I remember last summer when they were working on the north end of Alpha, and us on the other side of the field had to cross to Bravo to get full length. Really weird doing that, for sure, but I never saw any incursions from that side of the runway.
Serious question for you though, do you guys over there use Juliet for intersection departures (for runway 36), or will they not allow you to do that? I always wondered why I've never seen that happen.
Most people on the east side do ask for full-length departure, then get cleared to cross wherever, usually at Juliet because they forget to ask for full length until they get there. I've seen interesction departures, but it's not very common. It's not that big a deal to cross over, go to the end of alpha and have a larger run-up area and a full length. Sometimes, though, taking of at Juliet does get you to the front of the line on a busy day. But I've never seen anybody do an intersection departure to the south.
Sure -- as long as it's unaltered (hence the .pps format) and appropriate credit given. I submitted it to the FSDO to be used as a FAASTeam briefing, but after saying the content was fine, they've been screwing around with it for a month now for review/formatting. I gave up waiting and put a non-FAA sanitized version together, and that's what you've got. So, whatever you do, make sure folks know that what you're sending them is not an official FAA briefing, even if they later see it in FAA colors.Ron Nice Job on the Power Point. Do I have your permission to forward it to pilot friends?
Hmm, can't view it here at work it's not loading everything. I get a taxi diagram here and there, but lots of blank pages. I'll try again later at home.
Thanks for putting this together, it's always very helpful when someone takes the FAA info and makes it nice and easy to understand.
The FAA has put out a new set of rules effective June 30 for the way controllers clear you to taxi. Here's a briefing I put together on the issue. Hope it helps.
Dunno who/what "the Jimmy Johns delivery guy" is, but if you look closely in the referenced Notice, I think you'll see it applies to vehicles as well as aircraft. In any event, this was intended for pilots, not delivery guys.Wait - I don't see where this addresses the Jimmy Johns delivery guy delivering to the tower...
The FAA has put out a new set of rules effective June 30 for the way controllers clear you to taxi. Here's a briefing I put together on the issue. Hope it helps.
Thanks Ron, that's great.
Now, is there an NPRM out already? Anyone got a link to it? I mentioned this at the flight school today and none of them had even heard of it and thought I was crazy.
Of course, Pete and I were cleared to "Position and Hold" last Friday...
They still do that at many airports. I think it depends on the staffing level among other things.Of course, Pete and I were cleared to "Position and Hold" last Friday...
There will not be a NPRM since this is a procedural change only.
Pilots should not taxi onto or across any runways without specific clearance.Anyone want to try?
Pilots should not taxi onto or across any runways without specific clearance.
There, one line...
There's gotta be an NPRM 'cuz they're going to have to change 91.129(i) if they want it to work.
As stated in the Notice referenced in my briefing, "Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 91.129(i), will be changed after the completion of the rulemaking period." That suggests an NPRM has been issued, but I haven't searched the Federal Register to find it, and as of now, it's not on the NPRM list on the FAA's web site (http://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/rulemaking/recently_published/). As noted by R&W, if they treat this as a procedural change, they may just skip the NPRM and change the rule effective 30 June without further public action. However, it's not yet listed as a "Future Effective CFR," either, so maybe they're still doing their internal homework. In any event, the Notice makes clear that the regulation will change, just not how or when.There will not be a NPRM since this is a procedural change only.
As stated in the Notice referenced in my briefing, "Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 91.129(i), will be changed after the completion of the rulemaking period." That suggests an NPRM has been issued, but I haven't searched the Federal Register to find it, and as of now, it's not on the NPRM list on the FAA's web site (http://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/rulemaking/recently_published/). As noted by R&W, if they treat this as a procedural change, they may just skip the NPRM and change the rule effective 30 June without further public action. However, it's not yet listed as a "Future Effective CFR," either, so maybe they're still doing their internal homework. In any event, the Notice makes clear that the regulation will change, just not how or when.
The FAA has put out a new set of rules effective June 30 for the way controllers clear you to taxi. Here's a briefing I put together on the issue. Hope it helps.
Previously you could cross any runway necessary to taxi to the runway you were instructed. You just couldn't taxi ON the runway you were heading to - UNLESS you were told otherwise.Although, 29L was an active runway, so you would have had to hold short even in the absence of a hold short instruction.
As I understand it (and I could be wrong), initially, you would hear, "Cessna 9837L, taxi runway 5 via Alpha, Echo, and Delta, cross 18, hold short of 11." Then, after you cross 18, you would hear, "37L, cross 11." Any controllers who've had the training on the new rules, please correct me if I have it wrong.Could you give an example of how it would work if you had to cross multiple runways? It seems to me that if you had to taxi to a hypothetical runway 5 crossing equally hypothetical runways 11 and 18, the initial clearance would have to sound like this:
"Cessna 9837L, taxi runway 5 via Alpha, cross 18, hold short of 11, then Echo to Delta"
Or would he just not give the Echo and Delta instructions until after I'm cleared across 11?
Very nice. And FWIW, the OpenOffice version of PPT (Impress) handled your slideshow just fine. You might consider adding a link to that or the free PPT viewer.The FAA has put out a new set of rules effective June 30 for the way controllers clear you to taxi. Here's a briefing I put together on the issue. Hope it helps.