Note: This is just for the ASEL parts of the PTS and only include things that were added or
obviously definition of obvious is anything but obvious and is certainly ambiguous.
Added to Weather Information:
i. PIREPs.
j. windshear reports.
k. icing and freezing level information.
Added to National Airspace System:
Exhibit satisfactory knowledge of special flight rules areas
Added to Taxiing:
5. Exhibits procedures for steering, maneuvering, maintaining taxiway, runway position, and situational awareness to avoid runway incursions.
6. Exhibits proper positioning of the aircraft relative to hold lines.
7. Exhibits procedures to insure clearances/instructions are received and recorded/read back correctly.
8. Exhibits situational awareness/taxi procedures in the event the aircraft is on a taxiway that is between parallel runways.
Uses a taxi chart during taxi.
11. Utilizes procedures for eliminating pilot distractions.
Added an entirely new task for runway incursion avoidance:
Task F: Runway Incursion Avoidance (ASEL and ASES)
References: FAA-H-8083-3, FAA-H-8083-25; AC 91-73, AC 150-5340-18; AIM.
Objective: To determine that the applicant exhibits knowledge of the elements of runway incursion avoidance by:
1. Exhibiting distinct challenges and requirements during taxi operations not found in other phases of flight operations.
2. Exhibiting procedures for appropriate cockpit activities during taxiing including taxi route planning, briefing the location of HOT SPOTS, communicating and coordinating with ATC.
3. Exhibiting procedures for steering, maneuvering, maintaining taxiway, runway position, and situational awareness.
4. Knowing the relevance/importance of hold lines.
5. Exhibiting procedures to ensure the pilot maintains strict focus to the movement of the aircraft and ATC communications, including the elimination of all distractive activities (i.e. cell phone, texting, conversations with passengers) during aircraft taxi, takeoff and climb out to cruise altitude.
6. Utilizing procedures for holding the pilot’s workload to a minimum during taxi operations.
7. Utilizing taxi operation planning procedures, such as recording taxi instructions, reading back taxi clearances, and reviewing taxi routes on the airport diagram.
8. Utilizing procedures to insure that clearance or instructions that are actually received are adhered to rather than the ones expected to be received.
9. Utilizing procedures to maintain/enhance situational awareness when conducting taxi operations in relation to other aircraft operations in the vicinity as well as to other vehicles moving on the airport.
10. Exhibiting procedures for briefing if a landing rollout to a taxiway exit will place the pilot in close proximity to another runway which can result in a runway incursion.
11. Conducting appropriate after landing/taxi procedures in the event the aircraft is on a taxiway that is between parallel runways.
12. Knowing specific procedures for operations at an airport with an operating air traffic control tower, with emphasis onATC communications and runway entry/crossing authorizations.
13. Utilizing ATC communications and pilot actions before takeoff, before landing, and after landing at towered and non-towered airports.
14. Knowing procedures unique to night operations.
15. Knowing operations at non-towered airports.
16. Knowing the use of aircraft exterior lighting.
17. Knowing the hazards of Low visibility operations.
Updated Radio Communications (Area III Task A):
Changed "Transmits using recommended phraseology" to "Transmits using AIM specified phraseology and procedures".
Added to Traffic Patterns:
Properly identifies and interprets airport/seaplane base runways, taxiway signs, markings, and lighting.
Changes to Takeoffs, Landings and Go-Arounds:
Too numerous to list, will have to check later.
Added to Pilotage and Dead Reckoning:
Demonstrates use of magnetic compass in navigation, to include turns to new headings.
Added to Slow Flight and Stalls:
NOTE: In accordance with FAA policy, all stalls for the Private rating will be
taken to the full stall condition, prior to initiating the recovery.
Added to Night Operations:
Exhibit satisfactory knowledge of ... Somatogravic illusion and black hole approach illusion.