New Pilot Questions

5'10" (135lbs) and Ive been flying with a 6'3" (180lbs) instructor in a 150. On a good day we get ~500 fpm. Without that talking thing in the right seat I see ~700 fpm.
$200 initiation fee
$300 refundable deposit on 152 (you get this money back when/if you leave the club)
$65 per month

I checked the website and realized where I got the $20/month from, but I'm still a little confused. It says there are three levels of membership:
Full Member: $65/month
Member: $15/month
Associate Member: $20/month

It also says that aircraft deposits are required for Full Members and Members, so I assume that those are the only two levels who can fly, but do you know the other differences? I can always call tomorrow, but who can wait that long for answers? Thanks.
You will be a Full Member. Only full members have access to the aircraft. $15 a month is for full members who are on hiatus. $20 a month is for pilots who have their own airplanes but want access to the club facilities.
Weather permitting I am flying one of the mooneys to see grandma in ohio this weekend but if you want to go check out the club there should be someone available to give you a tour saturday and sunday afternoon. I volunteer once a month to show prospective members around and they try to have 'on duty' members every weekend. PM me and I can set something up.
How is availability? 350 members/13 planes... Like a 25 way partnership on each plane? If average member flew 75 hours a year, that's like 5.5 hours a day on each plane. :dunno: I'm probably missing something obvious like there's a large number of members who never or rarely fly.

$200 initiation fee
$300 refundable deposit on 152 (you get this money back when/if you leave the club)
$65 per month

152 $75/hr wet. (club has 4)
Warrior II with GTN650 $105/hr wet (club has 3)
172SP GTN650 $120/hr wet (club has 3)
M20J $160/hr wet (club has 3)

Includes 2M smooth liability insurance. No renter's insurance needed, each club member is named insured under the club policy.

The refundable deposit is $300 for each type. So if you have $1200 total refundable deposit, you can fly all of the club planes. I've been a member for 2.5 years. The membership has increased from 300 to 350 and we've added three new planes in that time.