New guy 'round these parts


Cleared for Takeoff
Oct 31, 2010
Minneapolis, MN
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Hi everyone, I just joined this forum a few days ago, been reading it for a few months.

I just got my private pilot and tailwheel endorsement under Part 61 earlier this year. I've always wanted to be a pilot, but it's taken me 29 years to get where I am today. :thumbsup:

Next stop: Instrument Rating. I've already knocked out my XC requirements for it. Just gotta get the bookwork done :crazy:, then do the flying bit.
Welcome pardner - good on you for finally getting to it. I also waited longer than I should have done, and going on the IR is a great idea.

Tell us more about your self - where you are (I can sorta guess...), what you fly, who you think is good-looking, that sort of thing.
Hey welcome to POA! The front porch of aviation. Glad you found us and look forward to hearing you chime in.
Tell us more about your self - where you are (I can sorta guess...), what you fly, who you think is good-looking, that sort of thing.

Well, first flight I can remember, I was about 6 or 7 years old and I was a passenger aboard a Boeing 747. First time I sat in the right seat of a general aviation aircraft was 3 years ago in a Cessna 177. During my PPL training I've flown a Piper Warrior, Cessna 152, and a Citabria 7ECA.

Who I think is good looking... well gee, I always thought the artwork of Romain Hugault was pretty good.

Welcome, you'll fit right in! (I wonder what the Bonus Inside is? :))
Welcome. BTW there are a few of us in the MSP area already.
Welcome to the crowd. We're friendly (for the most part), so don't just say 'hi' and disappear.