New Book Announcement


Oct 28, 2013
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Hi guys,

I wanted to announce a new book I am completing. It is about the tactics to survive an engine loss event in your single engine airplane....from a fighter pilot perspective. The book will be an eBook and should be completed soon, so I am not selling anything...yet. Just creating awareness.

I'd like just to ask that you check out my webpage and my Facebook page (link to FB on the webpage) and have a look around. I'll keep you posted on the book's release date on Facebook.

Thanks for your interest, and I believe I can help you be a safer pilot!

Hey guys, I've added a newsletter signup area to my webpage. If you are interested in staying informed about the book, promotions, and engine loss stories, have a look and sign up!

Thanks for looking!
Funny reading this today since I got my royalty checks. A whopping $20. I'm rich.
So beyond pitch for best glide and find a flat open soft spot, what are you gonna talk about?
So beyond pitch for best glide and find a flat open soft spot, what are you gonna talk about?

The cut off point of where you either decide to glide an acceptable landing area, or pull the handles and eject. :D
I guess the classifieds section is unknown territory for the O.P.