Cirrus is busy this week. I think they're tired of the games.
Thanks for posting that...I ordered it, but didn't get home early enough to post it myself.
I think Campbell has stretched his neck to the full extent over the chopping block, and Cirrus' attorneys are taking advantage of it. With Campbell acting has his own attorney, the plaintiff is sowing the field with multiple legal traps in the form of these motions. If he responds to any of the Cirrus motions, he's likely to make the same kinds of mistakes and make himself look like an even larger idiot.
Cirrus has even used a bit of inflammatory phrasing that should goad Campbell's ego: "It is incredulous that Defendant just obtained a copy of the Withdrawal Motion..." "KSA's wanton and ongoing failure..." "...undersigned counsel has attempted to confer with Defendant..."
There another aspect here, too: Anytime someone gives an excuse, they're saying it's someone ELSE's fault ("the dog ate my homework" "The alarm clock didn't go off.").
So... with Campbell's excuse for not getting a new attorney within the time limit, who is he blaming?
His former attorney? She was dismissed a month earlier; she had no further obligation.
Cirrus' attorney? They've got no responsibility to help the other side, as long as they follow the law.
There's only one entity left: The court itself. In other words, it's the judge's fault.
Bet that won't fly.
Ron Wanttaja