Need K factor for Alcor fuel flow transducer


Filing Flight Plan
Jun 7, 2020
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Anyone know the K Factor for alcor fuel flow transducer? Im installing Electronics International CGR combo and need K factor for existing Alcor fuel flow transducer. TIA
Isn’t it individual transducer specific?

It may be written on the transducer itself, or in the airplane logbooks, or in the prior manual for the transducer that was installed.
Do you know what it is programmed to now? There is a correction formula based on actual fuel used vs fuel displayed. New K-factor = fuel displayed x old K-factor / fuel used. K-factor is basically the number of pulses per gallon.

New k factor= computed fuel used / actual fuel used) * your current K factor.

It might take a couple of flights to get it dialed in.
Yes, CA - as stated above this post.
It appears you thing there is a hard number for the K factor which you can look up and apply to this device?
My understanding is that the K factor has to be ascertained for each aircraft, each installation - through fuel measuring and test flights.
At least that is what I have done for my last two installs of fuel flowmeters.
Good luck.
The manufacturer tests each to determine the K-factor.

Individual installations may be a bit off for various reasons, so you may need to tweak it.