National/International Companies Named After Towns

AMRI, was Albany Molecular Research, Inc.
San FranCisco
The Pella tulip thread got me to thinking about well known companies that are named after the towns they originated in or have/had operations in.

Off he top of my head:


I'm confident that know of more but I'm still on today's first cup of coffee.

what you got?
Lorain (cranes - now part of Terex)

Kawasaki (motorcycles)

Lycoming was established in Williamsport, PA. It took its name from the Lycoming COUNTY. Williamsport is the biggest city and the county seat there.

And it’s pronounced Ly-‘cumm-ing, not ‘Ly-co-ming. I grew up there and hear pilots mispronounce it often.
Not really.

It was Wachovia, a name derived from the Wachau valley region around the Danube River. Pretty sure there’s no actual town so named anywhere.

Former Wachovia employee here.
New York Life
Louisville Slugger
Chicago (the band)
Brooklyn (the beers)
Saturn (the cars -- hey, it's a place)

Bethlehem Steel is no longer around.

My company has an office building at the end of the old Bethlehem Steel plant. ... right next to the mall. It’s sad and sobering to look out the windows at what used to be the steel plant.
Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD)

SCO Unix (Santa Cruz Operation) now Xinuos OpenServer

New Holland tractors

Minneapolis Moline tractors

Detroit diesels (I think may have already been mentioned.
Pullman, Washington was renamed to Pullman in hopes that George Pullman would give them some money. I don't think he did. It was called Three Forks before that. :p
BSD is called that because it came from the University of California at Berkely. It's not really the name of the company. The actual entity that owns it are the Regents of the University of California.
Planets, Valleys, Lakes, Rivers, Counties, Countries are all out of the rules for the original questions.
Cleveland? The brakes and wheels? or is that not right?

Did anyone mention PPG?
BSD is called that because it came from the University of California at Berkely. It's not really the name of the company. The actual entity that owns it are the Regents of the University of California.
Planets, Valleys, Lakes, Rivers, Counties, Countries are all out of the rules for the original questions.

Which brings up the Santa Clara Operation... LOL...

Oh the fun of SCO... “Unix”. :)

Groklaw used to be fun.
Santa Cruz...not Clara and Greg already mentioned that.
then there's always Pringle, SD ... home of Pringle chips :D :D :D

why is there no "I say - that's a joke, son!" or "I'm kidding!" or "tongue in cheek" emojis?