NAACP after American Airlines

When in doubt, scream racism:rolleyes:. The one example the article used is moronic too. How does that have anything to do with racism.
I hate to be cynical but I doubt this alert would have been issued if AA had ponied up enough charitable donations to the NAACP. Sadly it is hard to know what is legitimate and what is agenda driven.
People have seats adjusted and get removed from airplanes all the time. Until the NAACP can demonstrate that it doesn't happen to white people too...and I know it does because I have personally had it happen to me...then I am not impressed with what they have to say.
I hate to be cynical but I doubt this alert would have been issued if AA had ponied up enough charitable donations to the NAACP. Sadly it is hard to know what is legitimate and what is agenda driven.
That's easy; as soon as the race card is thrown, it's agenda.
People have seats adjusted and get removed from airplanes all the time. Until the NAACP can demonstrate that it doesn't happen to white people too...and I know it does because I have personally had it happen to me...then I am not impressed with what they have to say.

Good point. The ones I had removed during my 24 year career were all white.
I really would like to know the whole story behind these incidents. If the passenger was removed after they became loud, rude and disruptive for example. And it's not too far a stretch to believe that anticipation of being treated badly will make a person defensive and rude in the first place hence it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Go around looking to be mistreated and you will surely find it.
As someone that sits on the front lines, I can assure you we’re equal opportunity when it comes to ****ing our customers.


Yep! We are in the running with Air Kyoto with the ****tiest airline!
NAACP has about as much credibility as PETA at this point, right?
When in doubt, scream racism:rolleyes:. The one example the article used is moronic too. How does that have anything to do with racism.

The woman in the article seems to have an ego problem and no respect for authority.
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