Line Up and Wait
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One Played the Sax, Played with woman
Gary said:Sorry Eamon, I'm really lost as to what you are trying to say here.. Is this a comparason between Bush and Clinton, or between gay pilots, conservatives and liberals?
Pakistan, regardless of its internal politics, is still an ally. China and North Korea have never qualified in that respect. Don't you see a difference there? Especially when it was ANNOUNCED that we sold Pakistan the planes vs an investigation that had to turn up the fact that secrets were given to China?Eamon said:And GWB just sold stuff to Pakistan. A real stable country.
Pakistan mob kills 'blasphemer'
A mob of angry villagers in Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province has killed a man accused of blasphemy, police say.
Aasheq Nabi was shot dead in Nowshera district, 30km (18 miles) from Peshawar, after reports he had burnt a copy of the Koran - Islam's holy book.
Oh Yea... These guys need our F-16's
Just about every economist I've read and even taken classes with recently have said that the economy was on the downturn in March of 2000...eight months before the elections. Having been part of the dotcom boom at the time, I got out after I started watching start up stocks nosedive from the artificial bubble that had been created with the IPO frenzies.Eamon said:Most people I know are now just getting back to work from the depression that Bush brought about. They all lost their 200K a year jobs, their IRA's & Stocks & Bennies & are now working for 50K with no Bennies.
Great build of the economy
Personally, I don't think we should have sold F-16's to Pakistan either. But it was a valid business deal, not some behind the shades trade for political cash. And we are working with Pakistan on levels we've never worked with China.Eamon said:Pakistan can say they are our Ally till that are blue in the face & it still doesn't mean it is true. They hold the exact same beliefs as Iraq & Afganistan. Most Paks think of OBL as a war hero, FACT
We are going down a bad road that we went down before with Iran.
What doesn't GWB get about that?
Didn't Nixon open up China as an Ally?
Elected and inaugarated are two different things.Eamon said:Still after Bush was elected Na Na, Na Na LOL
Eamon :dance:
Joe Williams said:Your premise is incorrect. Clinton did nothing to bring prosperity to this country. He and his wife came into office, proposed massive communist inspired economic and medical care programs that would have destroyed us and were were shot down by the Republican legislature. Then they sat back and rode the wave of economic prosperity that the Republicn legislature's policies brought this nation. Prosperity that is continuing to this day. As for peace, Clinton chose to destroy this nation's military power and intelligence capabilities, and ignored the ongoing slaughter of Americans abroad and at home to avoid engaging in the war that needed to be fought. It is my sincere belief that he, and those who support his policies, are directly responsible for emboldening our enemies to the point that they felt secure launching the most deadly attack on our soil that a foreign enemy has ever been able to. Further, he sold nuclear and missile secrets to China in return for campaign funds, and in order to appease North Korea long enough that he wouldn't have to deal with them he provided them with the nuclear material they intend to use to endanger every man, woman and child in this nation.
Funny stuff.
Uh, it's "due", not do.corjulo said:Joseph, with all do respect...
Odd. All of the things that Joe said are accurate. Why does independent thought preclude the truth?corjulo said:That's what we mean by no independent thought. You just perfectly regurgitated the same GOP, paranoid Social conservative talking Point memo jibberish we hear all day on AM radio or Fox news. Give us something original and intellectually honest but not so mean spirited. Last week you called me (not personally but as a Democrat) a freedom hater, this week, as a Clinton supporter, I'm responsible for 9/11. I mean the hateful speech is helping the Democrat, so for that I thank you, but your soul dude, your soul?
You lost me on this one.corjulo said:And one word about your comments on the Clinton Health care plan. By every possible measure this countries health care system is in crises. We pay more, we don't live as long as other G7s, our infant mortality rates are 11th in the industrialized world (we do beat Turkey) and we have 40+ million uninsured. I mean, good thing the GOP saved us from Clinton's commie plan.
Eamon said:One Played the Sax, Played with woman & brought the country to more peace and economic well being than at any time in its history. He was the first Democratic president since Franklin D. Roosevelt to win a second term. He could point to the lowest unemployment rate in modern times, the lowest inflation in 30 years, the highest home ownership in the country's history, dropping crime rates in many places, and reduced welfare roles. He proposed the first balanced budget in decades and achieved a budget surplus.
If you're worried about bias, wouldn't you be better off searching for it yourself? If I send you four links and you don't agree with them, you just write it off to bias. You're on the Internet, too. I get a plethora of links from Googling "republican democrat economic effect". Go crazy.wbarnhill said:In reference to the whole "Clinton stole the Republican policy wave! He was horrible, etc etc etc", Can someone please point me to a bit of factual information? Excuse me for not taking it at face value, but I'd love to see some data backing this up. Because if Republican policies cause such economic growth, one would logically conclude that the economic growth would've continued through Bush's election. I'd just like to see some hard data, preferably from a scholarly journal of economics (so please note that anything from any opinion based website or blog will be immediately viewed as biased/skewed, regardless of side.)
You'll find some stuff in that same search.wbarnhill said:I've heard people say "The president's policies don't effect the country until they've left office!" to account for both bad things happening to their guy and good things happening after their guy had left office. And yet every single time, I've yet to see any shred of data to back up the claim.
If I can get my economics professor to sit down and discuss this with me, I'll see if I can get his viewpoint, but once again, without data (which I'm hoping he can point me to) I am not going to just accept statements.
Any takers?
Quick show of hands, here: How many of you think a President Gore would have had the guts to step up like President Bush has done after 9/11?
While I don't necessarily agree with the shift in priorities to Iraq, I'm glad they're fighting over there and not over here. No one could have predicted what would have happened if Gore had become President instead of Bush...but I'm glad Bush was in office. He took the fight to them, regardless of where it is.wbarnhill said:Step up? Like attacking the people who attacked us, only to stop short of our goal to go after another country who was no threat to us (and almost completely ignoring country #3 who keeps stating he'll bathe his neighbors in a "sea of fire").
Kinda confused there. And if you mention anything about Saddam being so horrible to his people, let's take a look around the globe and any of the several situations (Africa, Korea, etc) where people are treated horribly and ask ourselves why we didn't solve THOSE problems?
There's a difference between "stepping up" and "failing the primary mission", which I believe was to locate and capture Osama bin Laden, NOT Saddam Hussein.
wbarnhill said:Step up? Like attacking the people who attacked us, only to stop short of our goal to go after another country who was no threat to us (and almost completely ignoring country #3 who keeps stating he'll bathe his neighbors in a "sea of fire").
Kinda confused there. And if you mention anything about Saddam being so horrible to his people, let's take a look around the globe and any of the several situations (Africa, Korea, etc) where people are treated horribly and ask ourselves why we didn't solve THOSE problems?
There's a difference between "stepping up" and "failing the primary mission", which I believe was to locate and capture Osama bin Laden, NOT Saddam Hussein.
Joe Williams said:The mission was to wage war on terrorists, and remove the threat to our soil posed by a large, growing group of people who have spilled forth before on a mission of world conquest, which is again their goal.
Osama bin Laden is neutralized, and on the run. He's been behind precisely zero major attacks since 9/11.
...and the number of terrorist attacks on our soil? I'll let you answer that one.
wbarnhill said:Our soil? None. Of course major attacks by Al Qaeda on our soil prior to 9/11 was also none. snip
Taking OBL off the Al Qaeda rosters is hardly going to stop them. It's an organization, not a single man.wbarnhill said:If that constitutes a Major Attack, then you must be joining me and stating that they MUST be stopped for they are continuing to this day to perform major attacks on the entire world!
Presidents and economics wasn't the subject in the first place.wbarnhill said:But anyhow, this whole thing is getting off the topic of presidents and economy. So I'm going to leave it at that. Feel free to have the last word.
You were just kidding about that "last word" thing, weren't you?wbarnhill said:In some ways I agree, and I could expand on that logic and attach it to Hussein, but as I said, we're getting sidetracked from the economy discussion, and I apologize for perpetuating it.
Brian Austin said:You were just kidding about that "last word" thing, weren't you?
Just realized that you're three hours ahead of me. Better get some shuteye!wbarnhill said:Actually I keep trying to slip away to get some sleep, but I can't go five minutes without checking the forum. Stupid addiction.
wbarnhill said:Well, I will agree that conservatives are just as capable of independent thought as liberals, but I must ask this question, and I'm eager for a response:
In reference to the whole "Clinton stole the Republican policy wave! He was horrible, etc etc etc", Can someone please point me to a bit of factual information? Excuse me for not taking it at face value, but I'd love to see some data backing this up. Because if Republican policies cause such economic growth, one would logically conclude that the economic growth would've continued through Bush's election. I'd just like to see some hard data, preferably from a scholarly journal of economics (so please note that anything from any opinion based website or blog will be immediately viewed as biased/skewed, regardless of side.)
I've heard people say "The president's policies don't effect the country until they've left office!" to account for both bad things happening to their guy and good things happening after their guy had left office. And yet every single time, I've yet to see any shred of data to back up the claim.
If I can get my economics professor to sit down and discuss this with me, I'll see if I can get his viewpoint, but once again, without data (which I'm hoping he can point me to) I am not going to just accept statements.
Any takers?
William,wbarnhill said:How so Joe? The only other attack by Al Qaeda on our soil was in 1993:
Brian Austin said:snip
While I agree that the health system needs some reform, throwing it in the hands of the government is hardly the answer. Put some significant tort reform through Congress, work with the drug companies to lower their prices (I paid $80 for 30 tablets of Allegra-D while Canadians get it for $20?? Why don't we each get it for $50??), get the insurance industry to stop playing games with the HMO management practices of profit over lives (some, not all), etc.. Small stuff but it would add up over time.
woodstock said:in other words they did a cost benefit analysis using death /lawsuit costs as a factor and decided they could afford XX number of deaths due to the design and went ahead with it. again, a really rough paraphrase of a case but all in all when things like that come down to business decisions the consumer has to have some sort of protection - in this case punitive.
Anthony said:Don't we do this analysis as an individual every day? Doesn't every product or process have a level of risk involved where there is a dollar amount cut-off for the next margin of safety? Ford may have been negligent in their design, but I think every manufacturer, especially of vehicles has to do this or they would have to overbuild every vehicle in the name of absolute safety which is only an ideal, not a reality. We will have no companies willing to build cars, planes, VACUUM PUMPS, gyros, etc if we follow this logic as it could never be profitable enough to stay in business. The only priority of any company is to make a profit and stay in business.
woodstock said:I think the point of this lawsuit (it made our case books, to study, so you know it's an outlier) was that it was so egregious, and so in-your-face. they were trying to hit exact numbers on cost, and they purposely put the gas tank (I use the term tank loosely, I think it was something apart from strictly the 'tank" but I cannot remember) in the spot they did because it kept it under a magic number - even though they determined a small move would have made it much safer and only blown the numbers a little bit (but magnified by xxx numbers of cars sold...) I think there were even internal memos about it - i.e. PR disaster too. I'd have to go back and re-read everything, because it's been ten years and I'm pretty foggy on it - but that was the gist of what I took from it. it shows intent and purpose - which is what consumers need to be protected from.
woodstock said:I think the point of this lawsuit (it made our case books, to study, so you know it's an outlier) was that it was so egregious, and so in-your-face. they were trying to hit exact numbers on cost, and they purposely put the gas tank (I use the term tank loosely, I think it was something apart from strictly the 'tank" but I cannot remember) in the spot they did because it kept it under a magic number - even though they determined a small move would have made it much safer and only blown the numbers a little bit (but magnified by xxx numbers of cars sold...) I think there were even internal memos about it - i.e. PR disaster too. I'd have to go back and re-read everything, because it's been ten years and I'm pretty foggy on it - but that was the gist of what I took from it. it shows intent and purpose - which is what consumers need to be protected from.
you make good points though - if we all drove race cars there would be very few deaths, but can we all afford a race car.
corjulo said:snip
Now Joe, If you ever fly this far north we're going to have to go to my favorite Italian Cafe and fight this out over the strongest Espresso and best canollies you have ever had. KHFD is right next to the Italian section of Hartford. Nothing beats a patrician political argument in an outdoor Italian cafe.