[NA] Way to political for any other fourm I guess.

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corjulo said:
Remember the USS Cole? Bush had literally NO reaction to that one. And it really wasn't his fault.
What would his reaction be as a candidate, other than sympathy for the families? The USS Cole was attacked on Oct. 12, 2000...three weeks before the 2000 election.
corjulo said:
About the increase in Doctors insurance rates. It hardly all do to Jury awards. That's a myth we here in the insurance capital of the world try to keep quiet. It was the deregulation of the Insurance industry and subsequent terrible investment decision that has driven up the cost of all premiums. In the 90's insurance companies were so hot to get doctors financial business that they grossly under priced medical malpractice rates. Some tort reform is needed, but only if it includes a mandatory lowering of malpractice rates, and so far the insurance industry has refused to support that.

The problem with all these republican reforms is there is no balance.
I mean, does anyone seriously think Credit card companies are going to lower their rates or cut back ridiculous fines or obscene lending practices because of the bankruptcy bill. They wrote the bill for god sakes. Same with tort reform, where's the balance? I once read, but can't confirm, that 90% of all medical malpractice claims are against the same 10% of doctors. Is that correct? If so how is the AMA going to address that. I would like to know who these doctors are.

insurance companies are evil, only second to credit card companies! no balance, no fairness!

there was a really good article in the Post a few weeks back about the new BK bill. if I can dig it up I will post it. I did find:

Newsweek's Jonathan Alter put it best when he wrote of the bankruptcy changes: "[T]his bill, like so many others moving through Congress, comforts the comfortable and afflicts the afflicted. Worse, it provides for no distinction between those who get unlucky in Las Vegas and those who get cancer. The law was literally written by the credit-card industry, the same folks whose siren-song targeting of high-risk borrowers caused much of the bankruptcy problem in the first place. First Congress puts a half trillion in budget deficits a year on the plastic for our grandchildren to pay off. Then it sells out the average American to predatory lenders, who have the run of the place. History should remember the 109th as the Credit Card Congress."

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7528519/site/newsweek/ is his article.

by no means am I pro-bankruptcy! but if they were gonna pass this they should have concomitantly passed some stiff rules for these folks too. no more usury, (cap at 18% or less?) and no more predatory tactics.
wbarnhill said:
After looking through some articles on InfoTrac the consensus seems to state that the president has a more indirect way of controlling the economy. The specific article that I've found is from Presidential Studies Quarterly, Sept 2004 v34 i3 p573(34) "Presidential rhetoric and economic leadership." by B. Dan Wood.

Wood focuses on how presidents use their access to the media to help guide the economy. Wood shows information on number of speeches involving four areas: economy, unemployment, inflation, and deficit. One table from the article:

(Insert Table here that I couldn't get to show up properly since the board doesn't like whitespaces :P)

It's apparent that w/ 50 sentences a month on the deficit, Clinton believed and fought to get rid of deficits. Bush appears to be a little less focused upon these four areas, although the data only exists through 2002 and are more than likely affected by 9/11 and the focus thereafter on terrorism.

The article does not come to a definitive conclusion on the effect of presidential rhetoric, but it might not be a stretch to make the assumption that a president can help fuel public opinion which in turn would provide pressure upon the legislature as well as hopefully influence people to help boost the economy in the short term by spending/investing/saving.

Interesting, and this bears further exploration (in my spare time... HA!).

Clinton was (and still is) a master at using the media to effectively advance his policies and priorities. More needs to be said on the relative environments in which the contrasted presidents (W Bush and Clinton) have had to operate, both in the area of world events, and the relative treatment given by the press. But I have to go and earn some living.
woodstock said:
by no means am I pro-bankruptcy! but if they were gonna pass this they should have concomitantly passed some stiff rules for these folks too. no more usury, (cap at 18% or less?) and no more predatory tactics.


I'm especially angry about the way they go after college Kids with card offers. Or the $30 late fee for a check you mailed two weeks before. AND WHAT'S WITH ALL THE STOLEN CONSUMER RECORDS.
corjulo said:
One question for Joseph

Now Joe, If you ever fly this far north we're going to have to go to my favorite Italian Cafe and fight this out over the strongest Espresso and best canollies you have ever had. KHFD is right next to the Italian section of Hartford. Nothing beats a patrician political argument in an outdoor Italian cafe.


Now you have me craving a Chicken Parm from Franklin Giant Grinder. (I worked at Brainard for 10 years)

corjulo said:

I'm especially angry about the way they go after college Kids with card offers. Or the $30 late fee for a check you mailed two weeks before. AND WHAT'S WITH ALL THE STOLEN CONSUMER RECORDS.

exactly! this is robbery right before our very eyes and Congress is letting them get away with it!!

I write to my Congressman on occasion. I wrote to him about illegal immigration and got a three page letter about how he's very much against it and all the stuff he's started to help stop it.

I also wrote to complain about the CC industry and wouldn't cha know it, have heard not a thing. nary a peep.
Dave Theisen said:
Now you have me craving a Chicken Parm from Franklin Giant Grinder. (I worked at Brainard for 10 years)


Giant Grinder's still there, I'd take Joe to Modern Pastry or Mosacotti's.
Brian Austin said:
Eamon, why did you take out the leading post?

Because after being here for 2 months, I answered my FIRST political post with a joke & I was publicly reprimanded for causing trouble when I wasn't.

This was the first political comment I made on the board & I guess it will be the last for a while.

In anyone thinks that my mentioning that I thought GW is boring & Bill Clinton Played the Sax and Played around with women is that start of a political riot and a serious political comment, they need to get a grip.

I had no Idea that the thread was a thorn in your side & Y'all were getting 20 e-mail a day about it nor is it my fault nor was it right for it to be taken out on me.

There was another spin off to the same thread that was handled by you guys just moving it with saying a word to the poster. It is very hard to keep the context of a answer to an answer by cut & paste without tags & I don't know how to write the tags.

I also think it funny that Y'all felt the need to ad a "[NA]" to the title of this thread. I titled it in a way that anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together can see it is NA.

I was going to drop it, but you asked.

As a side note. I didn't even know how to tell what forum I was in until today.

I usually log on & hit Recent Activity, Read & reply to whatever I feel the need to. I am used to AOPA where it tells you where you are all the time. On this board as you are reading, you would have to stop & scroll all the way back to the top to see what forum you are in before posting.

Here goes my reputation again. My friends Mom's must have been right
Eamon said:
In anyone thinks that my mentioning that I thought GW is boring & Bill Clinton Played the Sax and Played around with women is that start of a political riot and a serious political comment, they need to get a grip.
Eamon, a lot of us have seen the posts you made on AOPA. There was no indication of humor in your posts here and I took it as something similar to what you used to post in Hangar Talk there. Sorry but it didn't seem particularly humorous.

A simple ;) or :D next to it would have changed the tone.

Eamon said:
I also think it funny that Y'all felt the need to ad a "[NA]" to the title of this thread. I titled it in a way that anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together can see it is NA.
Just trying to be consistent. Several people have asked for something to indicate non-aviation. I'd like to do searches based on it later (not ready yet) and the sooner the habit starts, the more likely we'll have less problems with it later.

Eamon said:
As a side note. I didn't even know how to tell what forum I was in until today.

I usually log on & hit Recent Activity, Read & reply to whatever I feel the need to. I am used to AOPA where it tells you where you are all the time. On this board as you are reading, you would have to stop & scroll all the way back to the top to see what forum you are in before posting.

Here goes my reputation again. My friends Mom's must have been right
Don't know what to tell you about the software. I don't find it particularly difficult to use myself and everyone seems to be getting used to it. Yes, it's definitely different...but AOPA's software was several years out of date compared to newer versions. I wouldn't necessarily expect the same stuff when it's back up.
Brian Austin said:
Eamon, a lot of us have seen the posts you made on AOPA. There was no indication of humor in your posts here and I took it as something similar to what you used to post in Hangar Talk there. Sorry but it didn't seem particularly humorous.

A simple ;) or :D next to it would have changed the tone.

It does have a :) in the post, go look. And my hinting at the Monica L. thing should have been a tip off. Gezzz

Also are you saying I was wrong for posting a political thing smiling or not? It certainly wasn't trolling because I was answering a question. Also there was plenty of politics in the thread before.

AOPA? I also thought that things from outside were not supposed to be counted against you here?

Search my posts here or on even on the Babes board (that I have been on for 5 years & did allow political stuff for the first 4 & 1/2) & show me even one before yesterday that was political.

The ONLY REASON I started posting left stuff on the AOPA board was because I was SOOO Sick of searching through 40 Extreme right posts all day that were left unanswered. And if anyone paid attention, you would have seen that I had stated that many times on AOPA. If anyone was to join AOPA & look at that board they prolly would have thought that hit the Young Republican's bash board instead. I felt the need to show something from the other side. That is my personality (Flaw?). Also From 1998 to 2004 I didn't post any political stuff on AOPA either.

I am not even left of center normally. I will say that I am unhappy with GW, but that doesn't make me a Pinko Commie.

I started the deletion process so that is would defuse the situation here. Then I saw that someone gave me bad rep for deleting my post & someone gave me bad rep for posting & someone else gave me bad rep for not moving the thread & someone gave me bad rep for moving the thread & to tell you the truth I got ****ed again. I seeing that it isn't going to defuse, that I am going to speak my little mind about how it is all a bunch of BS (See below)

I posted 38 posts containing good answers, helpful tips, asked good questions & general socializing & I got 1 good rep point..... I then made one joke & got 4 bad ones.. Gezzzz I can see I will never win this game.

Eamon said:
Here goes my reputation again. My friends Mom's must have been right


Your reputation is just fine with me! Keep up the posting! I do enjoy them. Can't really comment on your reputation with your friend's Mom, is there something else out there you have been hiding? :) :)

Eamon said:
I posted 38 posts containing good answers, helpful tips, asked good questions & general socializing & I got 1 good rep point..... I then made one joke & got 4 bad ones.. Gezzzz I can see I will never win this game.
I'll own up to one of those hits - not because of the politics, but because of how you responded to the simple, polite request that the political side discussion get moved back to its appropriate home. (Tangent: For the record, negative hits only ever take 1 point away, regardless of the reputation power of the person making the hit.)

Personally, Eamon, I didn't care one way or the other about the politics in the Gay Pilots thread.

What I did not want to see, as I've said three times now, was for the Gay Pilots discussion to turn into a liberal vs. conservative discussion in the Lessons Learned forum. (Although having read your post, I did not see anything in it that made it seem to me that you were joking at all, but then I didn't read it that closely nor did I really care what it said or who it was from.)

I made a simple request: I made it because the revival of conservative vs. liberal discussion in that thread struck me as having the tremendous potential of stirring up more politics than had already crept into the thread, and I decided that it was time to draw the line and move the thread back on track and move the political discussion back to where it belonged.

It was a very simple request. I quoted my previous request to keep the thread on topic, and I asked everyone to please keep the politics in the Hangar Talk. I didn't even reply to your post in making that request. I replied to the OP to make sure it didn't seem as if I was targeting anyone.

You responded by complaining about having to move the discussion, questioning the rules about off topic posts, making claims as if you were being singled out, and generally playing forum-lawyer, until I gave up on the thread ever getting back on track and simply shut it down. So then you start a NEW thread questioning how long a thread could sit idle before you weren't allowed to talk about it any more.

In short, you seriously over-reacted to a simple request from a moderator.

You were NOT reprimanded, Eamon. I pointed that out in the original thread. I did not take anything out on you. If you were receiving any sort of official warning, you'ld be getting private messages about it.

There was another spin off to the same thread that was handled by you guys just moving it with saying a word to the poster. It is very hard to keep the context of a answer to an answer by cut & paste without tags & I don't know how to write the tags.
That other thread was spun off by me because it dealt specifically with how things are handled here, and I moved the posts off to Site Feedback because I felt it was important for the operation of the site to have that discussion. Because comments that in my view were unjustified were being made about the general attitude of this site towards particular political viewpoints. (In light of that, the irony is particularly strong that your own post was more favorable towards the opposing political viewpoint.) I wanted to address those comments, in the appropriate place, in an appropriate way.

I did not spin off the politics because it was unimportant to me whether the specific discussion was continued or not. I only cared that if it continued, it ALSO be continued in the appropriate place, in an appropriate way.

The appropriate response, and one that would have avoided this entire fiasco, would have simply been to take the politics back to Hangar Talk and pick up the discussion where it left off.

Considering the nature of your response to a polite request from a moderator, do you find it surprising that you didn't get glowingly positive reputation comments?
Re: [NA] Way too political for any other fourm I guess.

Eamon said:
Search my posts here or on even on the Babes board (that I have been on for 5 years & did allow political stuff for the first 4 & 1/2) & show me even one before yesterday that was political.

You don't post politics on the Babes. You post fun and interesting stuff there and always have. :yes:

For many, many, years we've had the "no politics" rule on the Babes. :no: So it's not a problem there. Here, politics *are* allowed. "Here" is a brand new website that is still working on defining it's style. Give it a little time. They're doing good.... they're doing fabulous in fact. Face it, they're brave enough to allow stuff I NEVER would be either tough enough or tactful enough to handle. The bumps will smooth out in time. :blowkiss:

(gaaawd how I adore all these cute little icons) :heli:
Eamon, I know what you mean about the AOPA becoming a bastion of right wing hate. It disgusted me to know end. But what I came to realize is nothing we moderates or liberal say is going to change ANYONE on the right wings mind. And in the process we end up isolating descent fair minded folks of all political persuasion who read but do not post. I'm note saying you shouldn't post. But we reasonable Liberals, Conservatives and Moderates need to hold ourselves to a much higher standard then the rhetoric that comes from the extremes of both sides. Be respectful, be certain of your facts and concede good points, even when they fly in the face of your opinions. :D
Ok - time to draw a line again, I'm afraid.


What happened on AOPA has no bearing here, and rehashing old arguments from there on here will not be permitted.

Furthermore, general, sweeping statements such as "right wing hate" and "you on the left spread such pure crap" are getting close to violating several points of the RoC, such as showing respect at all times, and not trolling (as in "deliberately posting in a manner for the purpose of angering and/or insulting the other participants of the board").

Put the history back in the past, and please tone down the accusatory posts from both sides.

Thank you.
Chuck Haeberle
Pilots of America Management

Edit: Thread closed - one post I quoted has been deleted by the poster (thank you) - and rather than leave this thread hanging open to rekindle, I'm closing it down so that any further political discussion can be started in new, clean threads. :)
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