[NA]No more low-dose aspirin[NA]

Larger sample sizes can alter long held conclusions. I still say take your aspirin if you like, you'll never find a drug with greater efficacy and fewer side effects.
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Larger sample sizes can a later long held conclusions. I still say take your aspirin if you like, you'll never find a drug with greater efficacy and fewer side effects.

Thats the thing... the data doesn't support your conclusion.

And aspirin has a very real side effect profile. The enteric coated version avoids some of the issues.
I was more surprised by the fact that they indicated that 40 million people are taking an aspirin every day. I personally don't take any sort of medication unless I absolutely have to. I'm not sure where I got that from, but I've just never liked taking any sort of medication.
The apparent key to heart attack is inflammation in the arteries - it causes plaque to dislodge and then block coronary arteries leading to MI. Anything you can do to reduce your CRP score to under 3.0 in the blood test reduces your risk dramatically of MI. . . .

I"m not a doc, but have paid some attention to this - aspirin is the least risky NSAID with fewest side effects and causes almost no liver damage of consequence when combined with alcohol. . ..

If you don't have a CRP number- get one - that alone may cause your doc to put you on 81, 162, or 325 mg of aspirin daily . . .
Larger sample sizes can a later long held conclusions. I still say take your aspirin if you like, you'll never find a drug with greater efficacy and fewer side effects.
Statins have an excellent risk benefit profile depending on the person's cardiovascular risk profile. Low dose asprin is usually well tolerated.
Statins have bad side effects for me. Noticable almost immediately. I was taking only 1/3 of a 10mg. tab.
Statins have bad side effects for me. Noticable almost immediately. I was taking only 1/3 of a 10mg. tab.
How did you manage to cut a pill in thirds?

Overall, statins are well tolerated in my patient population, the majority of them have coronary artery disease. A fairly small percentage of people won't take them even if they have a very good reason.
I would hesitate using time magazine for a reference. It is NOT a peer reviewed scientific study or article.
I would hesitate using time magazine for a reference. It is NOT a peer reviewed scientific study or article.

True, but Time is just pointing us to what the FDA is saying, like all the other news agencies reporting on this. They are not purporting to present a scientific study.

Now a good question would be, "FDA, let us see these 'major studies' that you are referring to" (they are not annotated on any of the FDA's info pages on this topic). And then, let's hope these articles the FDA is using are multiple studies done with the same conclusions, all using controlled, double blinded techniques where applicable; to statistical significance - or meta-analysis) .
I have an aftermarket knee, as a result of that my Knee Mechanic says I have to take a 325g coated aspirin every day for the rest of my life.
The Article says consult your Doctor who was the one who told me to take it in the first place. :lol:

Like I said, you'll be hard pressed to find a medication that can beat aspirin's proven efficacy and lack of side effects.
But the risk benefit may still be unfavorable for those at low to moderate risk of vascular events. Anybody with a coronary stent really should be on at least one (two for recent stents) anti-platlet agent indefinitely and aspirin is the medication most often used for this purpose.
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