Ever looked to see what wait staff make? 20% makes coming to work in those jobs worth showing up, is about all that is.
I worked a number of restaurant jobs in my youth. I don't tip poorly. I budget nice meals out to make sure the wait staff gets something reasonable for their time.
And of course there's always the wisdom of Fight Club... "Bring us the clean soup, please..."
You get a reputation for being a skinflint tipper at some place you go often... guaranteed they're messing with your food. Guaranteed. Seen it done. Never did it myself.
That wasn't avocado on your burger. It was green but that's where the similarities end.
I agree with you on mandatory tipping everywhere except in one place, and that's our awesome annual cruise trip on a chartered theme boat.
We know a number of the wait staff on the boat, especially our favorite bartender. ;-) That man busts his butt. We always tip him extra. I've never seen a dude so fast with our beers when he sees it's us. He knows. I haven't seen the guy in a year and he knows. I suspect a little help from tech, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's just that good.
Yep, I was in the restaurant business for 7 years. I told everyone that if anyone messes with a customers food then its an immediate firing and maybe turned over to the police. It happened only twice in that 7 years.
Another restaurant close by, one of the cooks decided it would be funny to spit in the food being served to a policeman. He left the building wearing bracelets, and was expelled from college because of the conviction.
I will tip well for excellent service. I have been known to single out the wait unit and hand the tip in person, and even have the manager come out so I can tell him what a good waiter we had.
I will tip moderately for moderate service, and I will tip poorly for poor service. It used to be a poor tip was meant to be an insult to the wait unit.
I see no reason to tip when I have to place an order through the clowns head....
My most funniest restaurant experience... Coming home from a race, we decided to eat at the truck stop café. The waitress brought our food, plates lined up down her arm, and she set my plate down in front of me first. As she was setting to other plates down, I saw a roach come up from under the left side of my plate and start racing to the other side of my plate. I slammed my hand down in the middle of the plate sending chicken fried steak, green beans and mashed potatoes flying in the air. (no cole slaw)
Everyone stopped and looked at me. I mean the entire room got deathly quiet as everyone stopped and looked. I turned my hand over and saw the squished roach, then turned my hand around so everyone could see and announced, "I got the little SOB.." Which brought the house down.
The poor waitress was mortified. I mean she was a rough looking woman, even for a truck stop, but she had never had a situation such as this. I told her to put the rest of the plates down and try again for mine.
I complained to the manager, more accurately he came over to the table pretty quickly. After he learned of what took place, he comped our meal. But I did leave a 10 buck tip to the waitress..