Touchdown! Greaser!
33°F 70%RH
I noticed the outdoor unit making an odd fan-noise this morning - the coils were solid frost and not permitting any air.
The house remained warm and I did not smell the heat strips.
I ran the A/C a few minutes; frost can right off, I let it go another 15 mins for the moisture to dissipate.
An hour later, more frost and time, in sections.
Prepare to replace?
Some preventive intervention?
I noticed the outdoor unit making an odd fan-noise this morning - the coils were solid frost and not permitting any air.
The house remained warm and I did not smell the heat strips.
I ran the A/C a few minutes; frost can right off, I let it go another 15 mins for the moisture to dissipate.
An hour later, more frost and time, in sections.
Prepare to replace?
Some preventive intervention?