They’re trying VERY hard to find ANY negative label that will stick to the little guys who were screwing the hedge fund.
Louis covers it very well. I saw four different attempts at least to stick labels on them. Louis got two : “Hackers”...
(There was no hacking whatsoever...)
... and this morning’s attempt to hang it on the “alt-right”.
Any possible negative dog whistle is being blown as hard as the financial media can blow them.
I understand the hedge fund trying to make their foe look bad. Everybody does that.
What I don’t get is the media writing it as if it is in any way serious. But Louis covers that people are tech idiots so “hacking” is the easy low hanging fruit.
(Heck we even have the person here who got the idea that it’s “China” from somewhere, too. Every single transaction is tracked in this thing six ways to sideways and there’s no reason to even speculate about it.)
Anyway. Louis has been on a roll.
This video covers the framing and labeling but he has another out a little while ago saying what the people really want is to see someone truly go to jail for the bad behavior at the hedge funds.
I think he’s naive on that one. Money protects money. One of the CNBC headlines literally said the hedge fund had to raise more capital from “friends” ostensibly to fight these darn annoying peon people who short squeezed them when their pants were around their ankles.
Squeezed em by the tender bits. They didn’t like it. Poor dears.
RobinHood got their butt handed to them, TDA hasn’t nearly as much. They’re both on my “won’t ever do business with” list. I’ve filled out my ever so important SEC “I’m a savvy investor because I say I am” checkbox form. If my broker refused a trade when I call, he wouldn’t be my broker ever again. “Send me the transfer paperwork for my money. Bye.”