[NA] Apple's upcoming Watch


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
Who here where be an early adopter of Apple's Watch?

While I know we have our share of Droid users and Apple basher's, I'm more curious who is looking at the Apple Watch and might be a first round purchaser.

I'm thinking I might be one....
I may; I honestly have not decided yet. As an official senior citizen, I like the integration with the Health app. I would also like to use it as a basic-functions cyclocomputer. Finally, I've considered using it as the impetus to get back into programming again (something I haven't done for ~40 years) and collaborate with my grandson to write an app or two for the Apple Watch.
Maybe. I've been flying with a Pebble watch for a while and I like some of the timer apps for it. I tried the WingX integration but found it to be not that compelling - or not enough to justify the watch and the switch to WingX (it might have been a big deal if I didn't have GPSS).

But I kept using the timer feature because I can have it count down multiple independent things (time in IMC, fuel tank switch, hold times, or other misc stuff). And it vibrates when the timer finishes. I find that vibe feature to be more reliable in getting my attention in a loud busy cockpit than my panel timer.

Maybe some engine monitors give audible cues over the intercom (dunno) to switch tanks - but I don't have one.

And it is conceivable that FF or WingX might come out with some innovative watch features. The watch is superior, in my view, in being able to get the pilot's attention.
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I will get one of the first ones to come out, then I will spend the next 3 months complaining about how they could release a product with so many issues.

There is nothing quite like life at the bleeding edge of technology.
Can't see the use case for one. I have not worn a watch of any kind regularly for at least a decade.


Apple has a way of taking an existing niche and then improving on it and then showing us why it's indispensable.

Or it could be another Newton!

As an Apple shareholder and fanbois, my fingers remain crossed.
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And it is conceivable that FF or WingX might come out with some innovative watch features. The watch is superior, in my view, in being able to get the pilot's attention.

This is one of my justifications for getting one. Just like the EFB's were for getting an iPad then the Mini. The GA Pilot utility of the devices make giving up the scheckels that much enjoyable.
How many times a day will you have to charge it? I'll wait for a while and see if the come out with a kinetic charging system like a self winding watch.
I'm not gonna camp out in front of the store or wait in a line but I do plan on getting one as soon as I can.
How many times a day will you have to charge it? I'll wait for a while and see if the come out with a kinetic charging system like a self winding watch.

More than you should. I will keep the watch that I have that actually tells time and doesn't need to be charged every single day.
My Pebble has to be charged once every 4 to 6 days depending on use. But that is only because it uses that e-paper tech a la the original Kindles. It is B&W and isn't (typically) passing that much info back and forth with my phone.

The Apple Watch, if it must be charged every day, will be a real drag. It is bad enough with my Pebble. Remembering to charge my watch is just not high on my list of **** to remember. :dunno:

Every 3 days and it might be tolerable. But truly if there is a compelling killer app then I would be more willing to suffer.

I suspect that the unique feature of A-Watch, the fact that it is worn, may be the thing that limits its appeal to fanboys and tech lovers (perhaps a lucrative enough set). I just wonder if people will be as willing to outwardly display their fealty to Apple as they have been to carry an iphone in their pocket.

Also some of us like watches to appear stylish if we're going to wear one. This thing has one basic shape and a couple different tones & custom watch bands. This is one area where Apple could open itself up to designers in the future (nope).

The Pebble had this problem and solved it partially with the Pebble Steel. The Apple thing looks like nerd tech and I suspect the cool kids of the world will avoid it for that reason. The gold version may sell in China but honestly who wears gold watches anymore.
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Count me as someone who won't be even thinking twice about getting an Apple Watch. Won't happen.

I want my watch to be a watch.

I want my cellphone to be a phone.

etc etc
Although I too will not be among those sporting a Dick Tracy watch I want my cellphone, whether it's a watch or not, to be everything from garage door opener to TV remote so that whatever form it may be in I only need one device.

Of course if I were to lose it or back over it with the car I'd be up sheet creek
Needs to be paired to an iPhone, what's the point? Bringing a smaller less capable display for the device in your pocket.
I'm not gonna camp out in front of the store or wait in a line but I do plan on getting one as soon as I can.

Same. I'll get one, but not until I can just walk into a store and buy one. Though, in all honesty, it's more likely I'll just order it online and get it whenever it arrives.
I'll be looking at it closely but probably won't be a day-one buyer unless something particularly compelling surfaces.
Needs to be paired to an iPhone, what's the point? Bringing a smaller less capable display for the device in your pocket.

Not long after the announcement, I read something like this from a tech journo...

"that's an awful lot of money to buy a device that lets you keep your fancy iPhone 6 in your pocket."

True enough. And yet there is a chance I'll get one. That's just the kind of nerd I am.
I currently have a pebble and like it. I charge it every day while I take a shower, which is just enough time.

If the apple watch battery lasts >1 day it will be more compelling, but I may wait for Gen2.
... "that's an awful lot of money to buy a device that lets you keep your fancy iPhone 6 in your pocket."...

True but being that the trend is for cellphones to be the size of small snack trays maybe it makes some sense :dunno:
True but being that the trend is for cellphones to be the size of small snack trays maybe it makes some sense :dunno:

Not really. The cell phone grew in size again because in order to use all the features with any practicality, you need the iPhone6+/Samsung Note size. Even the 6/GalaxyS* sized phones are small as eyes get old. I just got the 6+ and finally have a browser size that I don't have to zoom and pan all the time.

To then pay extra to have a tiny screen doesn't make much sense. For answering the phone it doesn't make much sense either since you'll be talking into your forearm.
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While I'll agree that it doesn't make any sense to me (the watch) I'm in the camp that likes my phone to be pocket sized. That's why I've stuck with the Motorola Razr-M because it is small enough that I sometimes panic thinking that I forgot it while it is right there in my pocket. The other thing I don't get are these enormous rubber shields that people put their phones in. It gets to the point where you have to wear cargo pants all the time just to carry your darn phone.

While I'll agree that it doesn't make any sense to me (the watch) I'm in the camp that likes my phone to be pocket sized. That's why I've stuck with the Motorola Razr-M because it is small enough that I sometimes panic thinking that I forgot it while it is right there in my pocket. The other thing I don't get are these enormous rubber shields that people put their phones in. It gets to the point where you have to wear cargo pants all the time just to carry your darn phone.

I agree, and that is why I bought the S4 last time instead of the Note. However I had a deckhand who had a Note last summer and I tried carrying it a couple days and found it is indeed still pocket sized, and I wear regular Dockers type shorts with standard pockets.
Perhaps if the video had worked, or had at least told me why it wasn't working, I could decide. But It didn't.

Not really. The cell phone grew in size again because in order to use all the features with any practicality, you need the iPhone6+/Samsung Note size. Even the 6/GalaxyS* sized phones are small as eyes get old. I just got the 6+ and finally have a browser size that I don't have to zoom and pan all the time.

To then pay extra to have a tiny screen doesn't make much sense. For answering the phone it doesn't make much sense either since you'll be talking into your forearm.

Here's the real progression:
Here's the real progression:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: There's more than a little truth to that, though today it's more Netflix than porn.;):lol: That is the main reason I went 6+, screen real estate. I can now read this forum in Safari comfortably without having to zoom.
I may get one. I like the idea of being able to check text messages and reminders and incoming work emails without having to pull my phone out of my pocket.

Now, let's extend the conversation: what compelling features would you like to see ForeFlight put in their product to make it Apple Watch friendly (and I'd be really surprised if they aren't already working on some uses for it). My thoughts:

1) Would love to finally get an approach timer that knows when you cross the FAF, pulls the time off the plate and starts the timer, then buzzes your wrist or beeps like an inner marker when you cross that MAP/DH.

2) Fuel switching timer?

3) Notification of flight plan received/changed? Pop up notification on landing with one-touch LM AFSS flight plan closure ("I made it!!")

4) Pop up notification of new TFRs (or fuel / runway NOTAMS) for your route of flight (using WiFi, 4G, or ADS-B, as appropriate).

Other ideas?
5) Displaying some of the "widget" data (ETA, ETE, Ground Speed, etc) that you can display along the bottom of the moving maps.

And your list is a good start.
but here's a question regarding ForeFlight connectivity....

From what I have read, Apple Watch works only with iPhone 5 and newer. No mention of connecting to the tablets.

When I'm using FF, I'm always using it on the Mini with the Maxi loaded but asleep as my backup. The phone is with me, but FF is not running.

So for FF to work with Apple Watch, does this require a change of habit to make sure FF-iPhone is on line, up to date, and loaded with current plan?

To do your idea of monitoring FAF and buzzing us when we read the MAP is nice, but that's a lot of data to load into most iPhones... possibly displacing lots of photos and music and other app data.

So I hope we eventually get a connection between Apple Watch and both iPad and iPhone.
I'd wager $50 that Kent already has one pre-ordered.
I'm going to wait a while to see what kind of killer apps come out. But I'm definitely intrigued.
I'm skipping the iWatch, I'm going to wait for the iCockring, that should have some interesting app potential.
I'm skipping the iWatch, I'm going to wait for the iCockring, that should have some interesting app potential.

Believe it or not, my company has been contracted to make such a contraption. (We deal with plastics and elastomers). It has an app and is Bluetooth-controlled....
1) Would love to finally get an approach timer that knows when you cross the FAF, pulls the time off the plate and starts the timer, then buzzes your wrist or beeps like an inner marker when you cross that MAP/DH.

I've been asking for integrated manual timers for years so I don't have to bounce out to another App. They don't seem to have any interest.

Doubt they'll jump straight to putting it on the watch.
Going to wait for gen 2 or 3, have the six plus phone,I pad air,with FF on both . Waiting till they get the workout stuff down on the watch,without killing the battery.
I'd wager $50 that Kent already has one pre-ordered.

You owe me $50.

Pre-orders don't start until Friday. ;)

But, I'm not planning on ordering one just yet. I have a great deal of respect for Andy Inhatko's opinions on tech, and he's not quite sure about the Apple Watch yet. I'm not either, for pretty much the same reason. With the iPhone, I was all too eager to get rid of my old cell phone. Cell phones really sucked until the iPhone came along, and they really changed the world. With the iPad, it was mainly ForeFlight that prompted my interest as I'd been searching for a way to do electronic approach plates for years and the iPad was cheaper, better, and did more than anything else that was out at the time.

But, like Andy Inhatko, I'm just not sure what the Apple Watch will do for me yet. I haven't done a ton of research on it yet either, but I don't feel a compelling reason quite yet. I need to hold it in my hand, put it on my wrist, and see if it's really going to do anything for me, especially at the prices they're charging. I might just wait for gen 2 on this one.
I've been asking for integrated manual timers for years so I don't have to bounce out to another App. They don't seem to have any interest.

Keep in mind, you're not the only one on the planet asking for new features from ForeFlight. ;) I'd bet money that timers are on their list somewhere, just not high enough to have been implemented yet. I'd certainly like timers too, and have thought about doing a super-duper flight timer app myself, but I believe strongly enough that FF will do it eventually that it just isn't worth the time to do it myself.

Those innovation-killers. ;)
I'm also waiting for version 2. I like the concept. But the mantra of "never buy version 1 of anything" has served me well long time.
You can't watch porn on an apple watch, what's the point?