N95 mask for a nurse?

They have found that an aerosolized virus can float in the air and be viable for more than 30 minutes. So whilst not technically airborne, in close quarters it's nearly the same.
Except there's more than duration but size of the transport. Sars-cov-2 is much smaller than the microdroplets (and so small that the mask would be completely ineffective) was my point.
I big part of this too is masking up the patients.

Mayo wouldn’t even let me breathe in a pulmonary OR without an O2 mask on my face. Then they knocked my ass out. LOL! I was alert for what was originally supposed to be an awake procedure for about three minutes.

Breathe deep, O2 saturation maxed out... goodnight sir...

And that was when they had ONE confirmed case there.

They got serious real fast about protecting their staff, quick.

The next day, the elective pulmonary surgeries and procedures were halted.

The test results from that minor procedure took over a week. My assumption is they told the labs to put pulmonary tissue in a fridge and nobody touched it until they enacted procedures for safe lab handling.