It has to be premium in New York, too. I think it's manipulation to reduce the demand for ethanol-free because I can't think of any other reason why Big Brother would give a ****.
Corn-free gas isn't all that hard to find. All Mirabito stations and Stewart's shops that I know of have it. But like everything else around here, it can be a bit of a trip. Because of the distance, I usually buy it 20 gallons at a time.
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That rack is a lot higher off the ground than it appears to be. It's an optical illusion. I have a bunch of those cans. All in all, they're the best of the EPA-approved gas cans I've used, and they do keep the gas fresh. They're really tight. Those four were purchased when I installed the generator and needed to bump up my gas inventory.
Whether I wind up with extra gas depends on whether we have a power failure. I keep a lot of gas on hand because I might need it for the generator; but we haven't had a power failure since I installed it (no big surprise there), so this year I had extra gas. I'll also have to siphon the gas out of the generator itself if I don't use it by next summer.
I would just leave the generator empty except that I like to start and run it once a month both as a test and just because it's better for the engine. Also, power failures tend to happen during bad weather; and filling the generator during a hurricane or blizzard is more of a bother than siphoning it out in good weather and burning it in the car, if that becomes necessary.
I get enough of an MPG boost on ethanol-free that if it weren't for the distance, it would almost be a wash price-wise to burn it in the car all the time. I suppose I could just fill the car from cans all the time, but that would be a bother. I do it in the fall, however, if I have to use up some old gas before it gets stale.
If they start pushing the corn content to 15 percent around here, however, I'll be using ethanol-free all the time. I'll just have to plan my travel around it or fill from cans.