My sweet honey at C81

Got stung for the first time this afternoon lol. Wasnt even poking around the hive... Just watching from about 6 feet away to see if they were bringing in any pollen (they are:cheers:) and one of them landed on my cheek. I instinctively went to brush her away, and she nailed me. I did get to look at the stinger under the microscope after I dug it out of my face, so that was cool.
Got stung for the first time this afternoon lol. Wasnt even poking around the hive... Just watching from about 6 feet away to see if they were bringing in any pollen (they are:cheers:) and one of them landed on my cheek. I instinctively went to brush her away, and she nailed me. I did get to look at the stinger under the microscope after I dug it out of my face, so that was cool.
You were in the way. Brushing them away is a really hard instinct to ignore.

Pro tip: when doing a hive inspections, work behind the entrance