I used to believe this way, myself; direct observation of people close to me has changed my way of thinking. Now, the semantics don't really matter; call it "disease," or call it "character weakness"; it really doesn't matter what you call it, as long as you recognize that there is a problem and address it aggressively.
I had a brother-in-law, one of the finest human beings I ever knew in life, brilliant in business, generous and giving in spirit, an inspiration and mentor to hundreds of successful business executives, a board-level executive in a major corporation. For him, it was "social drinking," that got out of hand when, as a result of a corporate acquisition and his age, he was forced into retirement. Several stints in rehab, and he could never stop. I know he never reached the conscious decision, "I would rather drink than live to see my daughter graduate high school," but ultimately, he died as a result of his drinking. I call with the disease, because like any other fatal disease, it stalked him and it killed him.
I actually believe that, on his deathbed, he finally acknowledged and embraced his reality, but we'll never know.
There are many paths to sobriety; AA is but one tool. My observation has been that, for those who identify a home group which "resonates" with them, the support provided by the group members can be compelling. In order for it to work, the participant must acknowledge the problem, and allow themselves to participate in the system; the group can provide the support network which helps the addict recognize the problem, and helps with the staggeringly-hard work of attacking it.
Another observation I have is this: AA (or something like AA) reinforces the reality that addiction isn't something you can simply "fix"; you have to work all the time to mitigate its effects, and thus, successfully participate in life and society.
I like this. Groups I have seen have not emphasized Christianity as the "higher power"; rather, the "higher power" concept is simply important to admitting that, for most people affected, you cannot do it alone.
+1,000,000 - important!