Thanks for the previous response, but can someone please comment on my post #88?
I'm no doctor, and I'm no commercial pilot, so maybe this comment will sound a little undereducated, but....
Something about all of these posts sounds a little rushed. Ok, a lot rushed. I understand that you would like answers, would like them to be definitive, and would like them right now, but that's not how the process works. Heck, that's not how life usually works either, right?
There are a ton of very smart people on this board, and a bunch of the messages already posted speak to the process. They're not designed to discourage you. They are designed to set the framework for the problem from various perspectives. Your original post asked about step #1 and step #136 in a long process, and many of the replies tried to (gently) remind you of the importance of taking #2-135, as well as giving you the benefit of some insight gained by, collectively, a thousand years of life experience.
Don't squander what you're hearing here. The medical advice you'll get from the AMEs, but there is other, equally important stuff being said. I guarantee that all of it is being said for the sole purpose of helping you, not hindering you; Nobody is trying to dissuade you from trying your best to achieve your goal and nothing would make me smile more than to learn that a smart, dedicated 17 year old was one day able to make the airlines look beyond their own norms.
Dozens of people with otherwise busy lives have taken the time to post a response in the hopes of being helpful to you, and in that have provided some invaluable insights. In fact, I think what's already been said (before this post) is so sound that you should print it out and put it at the bottom of your sock drawer, and every Halloween pull it out to look at it again in the context of where you are in the journey on that date. I think you will be surprised how your thinking changes as you go through the process.
OK, this is sounding preachy, so I'm going to stop, but not before I say that for a 17 year old you seem motivated and dedicated, and therefore you have an advantage. Follow your bliss if it is aviation. Hope for the best, plan for the worst and don't screw around with the in-between.