My head hurts now...

When she mentioned Iraq, I figured there was an underlying blame toward W. But, factoring in South Africa, there must be some blame on John Kerry. His wife, Teresa Heinz-Kerry, is the only major American I can think of who was born in South Africa. Oh, but then Oliver North was an American Major. Sooo?

Hey, mine makes as much sense as hers! :)
And this is who teenage girls look up to. I'll be in the corner crying.
I bet she looks good naked.
Just remember it is not a beauty pageant, it is a scholarship contest. If anyone is in need of a scholarship and more education it is Miss South Carolina.
"I'm a Freshman in my 4th year at UCLA, but my goal is to become a vetrinarian because I love children."

Bonus points if you know where that came from w/o engine searching.
"I'm a Freshman in my 4th year at UCLA, but my goal is to become a vetrinarian because I love children."

Bonus points if you know where that came from w/o engine searching.

I had to engine search, but for the record, I would never have watched that anyway. :D
"I'm a Freshman in my 4th year at UCLA, but my goal is to become a vetrinarian because I love children."

Bonus points if you know where that came from w/o engine searching.

Julie Brown.

(BTW - I'm pretty sure it's "veterinarian")

EDIT: ah, those were days... Homecoming Queen's Got A Gun, Earth Girls Are Easy...
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I was listening to that on the radio driving to my meeting this morning. Did anything she said make any sense? I don't think any two words in a row linked to each other. I'm sure some of that was nerves, but good grief.
I was listening to that on the radio driving to my meeting this morning. Did anything she said make any sense? I don't think any two words in a row linked to each other. I'm sure some of that was nerves, but good grief.

I like, well you know, could understand it. It was, like, well, what the Iraq, stuff for the US Americans could do, like, and I have a map. :hairraise::hairraise::eek::eek:
Re: South Carolina should revoke her citizenship

Dang, Scott beat me to it by this much ><
Re: South Carolina should revoke her citizenship

what are you talking about adam, shes the best representative that they could find! :rofl:
Sheesh! Also, "sigh".

I'm now in University, planning on teaching, like, history, you know, and well, um, would like to teach American History, at the High School level, emphasizing the colonial up to the Civil War.

However, I fear I shall never qualify: You see, in Missouri, at least, one cannot teach history even if qualified to do so; instead, one must be qualified to coach a sport. Oh, and by the way, if one knows where the good state of MO is, one will also be required to engage n the extracurricular activity of handling the history and government thing.

And I fear the statistic of 20% may very well be low. Sigh.

And what in the world was Miss whichever Carolina talking about???

Y'all take care,

Sheesh! Also, "sigh".

I'm now in University, planning on teaching, like, history, you know, and well, um, would like to teach American History, at the High School level, emphasizing the colonial up to the Civil War.
Geeze, you sure do love a challenge, doncha? :hairraise:

I think I'd enjoy teaching early American history. My fear is probably the only positive thing to happen is reinforce my own knowledge.