My GMAIL is full


Mar 7, 2013
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My GMAIL account has used 14.5 of 15 allowed GB's.

One option is to pay $1.99/month for up to 100 GB.

Another option would be to just delete some. This is my preferred path. To that end, I created a MBOX backup of the GMAIL data. A couple of questions...

How can I easily access the MBOX backup if I want to search for an old email, such as when I purchased a part for the plane?

Is there a means to mass-delete all emails from GMAIL in a certain date range?
I can't tell you about using GMAIL's web interface because I find it attrocious. My suggestion is that you install a decent IMAP-based mail reader on your computer and use that to retrieve and archive the stuff stored on gmail.
I use Thunderbird to pull the mail down over IMAP into local folders, by year. You can also do date range queries from the gmail web interface.
I tend to PDF important emails and group them together by category (music related purchases, flying related purchases, firearms, health care, etc.)
Then I don't risk having the stuff in an orphaned file format. But still, perhaps 5% of my emails are kept this way. I can't imagine keeping gigabytes of stuff.
Yeah, I’d do a date range query and delete from there. If you’re up against the 15GB I’d also bet a lot of those have big attachments. Not sure if it can be done from the web interface, but you can run a query based on attachment size and delete that way as well.
I find that a lot of the space is used by big attachments and sometimes more than one copy of the email. For example a search of my gmail using the web interface "size:5mb" finds over 100 emails over 5MB. 100 x 5MB = 500MB.

They are all bigger, some are much bigger.

I have found that attacking big attachments has been productive in past email blitzes.