My First Real Emergency - Saturday

How I Spend My Friday Nights (LOL)

Even better news than before: tomorrow is my first ever solo cross country!

This is the best way to spend a Friday night, right?


I guess I'm supposed to be like a kid the night before a Disneyland visit....

(Yes, I drew my own compass and made a mini plotter to measure on the fly...)
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Congrats on getting out of the pattern.

Your "here's the airplanes" video cracked me up. Not really thinking about it, I created a similar video going from local airport ramp to ramp driving, edited it together, and my mom was gracious enough to fire up the VHS player back then one fine Christmas Day.

It was my first real introduction to "they don't get it". The family kept asking, "So when's something going to happen?"

By the end of this short video, me saying "It's a nice little airport" had turned into a family joke that continues to this day, any time I mention I went flying to anyone on my mom's side of the family. My sisters howl with laughter recounting the story and reminding me that not only did I put them through that, but we had company over that afternoon to watch a football game. The "it's a nice little airport" video was the halftime show. And thankfully, is long lost.

I should probably bring my family back some t-shirts from Oshkosh for Christmas gag gifts this year and include little pins that say... "It's a nice little airport!" :rofl:

Just the one I was looking for, too. ;)
PS - If I was solo that day of course I wonder what I would have done in the same situation. All in all I was not scared and I am sure it was a good learning experience.
You must buy or borrow a copy of Richard Bach's "A Gift of Wings" and read the short story within called "Let's not practice". When you read it you'll know why I made such a request. And while you're there, you might read my favorite story in the book (and high on my all time favorites list of short stories) called simply "Cat".
Super busy day at work so I'll have to post more another day / time, but I did get to go on ALL MY CROSS COUNTRIES.

I mean, all of them. All 5-6 hours of them! Long one yesterday, short one Saturday. Flew my butt off. So much time in the plane, so many miles, all in all not any "huge" mistakes and really felt like a pilot, more so than I ever have.

It all "came together" and was just an unforgetable weekend.

On paper, I think I have less than 2 "dual" hours left (IFR), not including the checkride prep hours on ground and in air. Solo, non cross country, I may only need 3 hours or less now.

So close . . .

Super busy day at work so I'll have to post more another day / time, but I did get to go on ALL MY CROSS COUNTRIES.

I mean, all of them. All 5-6 hours of them! Long one yesterday, short one Saturday. Flew my butt off. So much time in the plane, so many miles, all in all not any "huge" mistakes and really felt like a pilot, more so than I ever have.

It all "came together" and was just an unforgetable weekend.

On paper, I think I have less than 2 "dual" hours left (IFR), not including the checkride prep hours on ground and in air. Solo, non cross country, I may only need 3 hours or less now.

Woohoo! :goofy: Keep it up!
This thread is getting long, and was originally about two cracked engine cylinders, so I started a new thread for my solo cross country story.

WARNING: it is a long post but for some strange reason people say they like to read about other pilot's experiences!

So you have been warned.
