Pre-takeoff checklist
Today when I was working on my preflight I noticed a group of small "bumps" (acne?) on the lower leading edge of my left wing. They all seemed to be clustered along the rivet lines... Odd. I was _pretty_ sure they were new, as I always enjoy looking at the shiny undersides of my wing after washing it.
I asked the local mechanic to come over, and he agreed it looked suspicious, and decided to pull the wing tip off to take a peek.
(#$%@#$%@#$) Put your favorite swear word there...
Someone had left a Bucking Bar, (I had a different, but similar, name for it!) in the outer wing! It apparently was living quite happily in the very tip in a small section between a rib and bulkhead. Apparently during some turbulence, it migrated to the next section back where the skin is thinner, and took up residence! After a bit, it did a number on the lower skin! EEK!
If you've never seen one of these things, they look like the head of an oversized claw hammer. Imagine that bouncing around in the wing tip!
One can only imagine what would (could?) have happened had it migrated further into the wing with the controls.... Scary....
Preflights pay, I guess!
Fly carefully!
I asked the local mechanic to come over, and he agreed it looked suspicious, and decided to pull the wing tip off to take a peek.
(#$%@#$%@#$) Put your favorite swear word there...
Someone had left a Bucking Bar, (I had a different, but similar, name for it!) in the outer wing! It apparently was living quite happily in the very tip in a small section between a rib and bulkhead. Apparently during some turbulence, it migrated to the next section back where the skin is thinner, and took up residence! After a bit, it did a number on the lower skin! EEK!
If you've never seen one of these things, they look like the head of an oversized claw hammer. Imagine that bouncing around in the wing tip!
One can only imagine what would (could?) have happened had it migrated further into the wing with the controls.... Scary....
Preflights pay, I guess!
Fly carefully!