I avoid reading articles like this one and the one about the oven. Too depressing. There were a couple of articles recently about parents killing their small children because of a bitter divorce and they knew how badly it would hurt the other person. It's all too much for me.
I'll be in Wal-Mart or BK or McDonald's and see parents screaming at their kids, making all their lives miserable. Some people just weren't meant to have kids.
Certainly many people weren't meant to have kids, but have interest in what results in kids, so having kids ends up being a side effect. My mom was not meant to have children, but here I am. Guess how that happened. I think she's still trying to figure out how it happened 33 years later.
My kids are older now, 16 and 19, and I can say that I've loved every minute of every day with them.
I'd be curious if you would have said the same thing 15 years ago, when your kids were around the same age mine are now (5 and twin 3 year old girls). I love them, they're at great ages. We have a ton of fun together. The girls, being twins, are not only cute, sweet, and funny, but the twin bond is incredible to watch. My son can drive the tractor (on my lap, of course) and "helps" me turn wrenches. Sounds great, right? And it is, it absolutely is.
When our son was born he wouldn't sleep more than 45 minutes at a time through the night and the crying was incredible. Massive sleep deprivation for both my wife and me, but mostly my wife for the every 45 minute nursing (sleeping 2 hours at a time? That would've been great! He didn't do that until he was 2). Would not sleep for me, period, just scream. If we were lucky my wife could transfer him to me after falling asleep, but that usually didn't work. The kid just outright didn't have any use for me as an infant. I think he got "daddy naps" twice as a baby. When the girls were born we found that one of them has THE WORST SCREAM I have ever heard from any child ever. I am not joking or exaggerating. Blood curdling and beyond ear piercing, and I have noticeable hearing loss as a result of her screaming in my ears (why would she always point her mouth towards my head prior to letting out a scream?). I measured it at around 120 dB. He got in trouble at school yesterday for doing something he's got in trouble for before, so now he has to get disciplined and my wife and I might have to go in for a meeting with the directors of the school, etc.
I love them with all my heart, would never change anything about having them, and coming home to them is by far the best part of my day. They get lots of hugs and told I love them, and they seem very secure with knowing they are loved by mom and dad. But to say I've loved every minute of every day with them would be an outright lie. There are definitely minutes I have not loved. Being a parent of small kids is rewarding, frustrating, fulfilling, and exhausting, often at the same time.
But one thing I have found over the past 5 years, 18 days, and 9 hours (almost exactly) since I caught my son as he came into this world is that the bad memories fade and the good ones stay. Even though the kids do need (and receive) punishment for misbehaving, they're good kids, and I hope (and expect) will grow into good adults. Assuming that all goes as hoped, then I know I'll say it's all been worth it, but the memories will continue to fade and I may convince myself that I've loved every minute of every day.
Every parent and every child is different, just an interesting thought experiment.